Rhif Cyf AmgMOST/1545
TeitlGift of the said David's share of four strips of land
Disgrifiad1. David ap Madoc ap Iollyn.
2. John Almer the elder.

Gift of the said David's share of four strips of land lying in breadth between the land which the said John Almer lately purchased form Ievan Lloyd and a lane leading from the land which the said John lately purchased from William Eyton towards fryth William, and in length from the land which the said John lately purchaed from William Eyton to the land of the said John in the hamlet of Almer in the township of Alynton in the lordship of Bromfeld.
Witnesses: John Rodyn of Burton, William Rodyn, his son; Lewis ap Thomas ap David ap Gruffith and others.
Given at Alynton, 29 September, 2 Henry VIII.
Seal pendant; red wax.
Dyddiad29 September 1510
Extent1 item
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