Rhif Cyf AmgMOST/1824
TeitlFeoffment of a messuage, lands and tenements in the town of Llanrwst called kae'r Polant
Disgrifiad1. Hugh Wynne of Bodeskallen, Esq.
2. Griffith John Owen of Maynan, yeoman.

Feoffment of a messuage, lands and tenements in the town of Llanrwst called kae'r Polant, y Coed, kae'r Odyn, Cae'r Nant, Cae ucha, y Cevrydd, Cae hir alias Cae main, kae'r vaban, and ffryth kefn Madog; and the way leading from the said kae'r vaban through a close called Cae tu hwynt 'r' ffordd.
Consideration: £67.
Dyddiad23 February 1658/1659
Extent1 item
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