Rhif Cyf AmgPENRA/2442-2443
TeitlLease and release
Disgrifiad1. Sir Edward Pryce Lloyd of Pengwern, Bart.

2. Edward Mostyn Lloyd of the same, Esq. his eldest son

3. Rt. Hon. Francis Charles conway, Earl of Yarmouth

4. Charles Hopkinson of Pall Mall, banker

5. John Dawson of Saville Place, Westminster, gent.

Lease and release being a deed to secure an annuity of £700 for 3 lives of the lordship or manor of Eidda, and other messuages, lands etc. as specified in the attached schedule.
An endorsement deed reads as follows :
4 June 1820
1. As 3 above
2. As 4 above
3. As 1 and 2 above

Quitclaim of the lands etc. specifies above
Consideration : £7,000
Dyddiad16 November 1816 - 18 November 1816
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