Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/58-61
TeitlPapers relating to the intended marriage of Sir Rees Griffith og Penrhyn with Jane vch David ap William, widow
DisgrifiadAn indenture referring to the expectation that the marriage would be celebrated before the Feast of All Saints next ensuing; provisions for maintenance, jointure, and possible issue; if R.G. and Jane die without lawful issue, then R.G.'s lands (with the exception of those in Maynol Bangor) are to descend to his brother John ; those within the Maenol to Edward, son of Sir Rice (from a former marriage) and his heirs by Elin vch Robert Owen, daughter to Jane vch David, the intended wife of Sir Rees; if these die without issue, the Maenol lands were to go to John, R.G.'s brother; bond of obligation in £800 to observe the above articles; another bond in £300 that if anything untoward happened in the relations of Sir Rees and Jane, he was within three months of such event to pay her £100 and allow her to occupy the lands mentioned in the indentures; release in trust to Thomas Williams of Cochwillan [in later years Thomas W. of Vaynol] and Owen ap John Owen of those messuages of Sir Rees which were sufficient to satisfy the demands of maintenance and jointure
Dyddiad24 October 1550-9 November 1550
Extent4 papers
AdminHistoryThis intended marriage of 1550 is, with our present knowledge, a complete mystery. The Pedigrees give Sir Rees two wives : first, Margaret, of the house of Clenennau; second, Catherine, daughter of Piers Mostyn of Talacre. There is not much doubt who Jane was - Jane vch David [Fychan] ap William of Cochwillan [a younger branch of the house of Penrhyn], and had as first husband Robert ap Owen ap Meyrick of Bodeon. It seems also the son of R.G. (by a former wife) was married to a daughter of Jane (by a first husband). The Pedigrees afain say R.G. had no issue from his first wide whic is evidently a mistake. The Elen who was married to E.G. must have married again.
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