Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/78-82
TeitlPapers arising from the minority of Piers Griffith
DisgrifiadIndenture by which the Lord Treasurer of England [William Cecil, Lord Burghley] and Richard Kingsmill, surveyor of the Court of Wards and Liveries, grant P.G. an ousterlemain [amovere manum] of the lands held by him by mesne tenure of the Queen's Majesty [valor or extent annexed], but also decree that an auditor or auditors be appointed to make a special survey of the whole hereditaments of P.G., at his own cost and charge and specify very clearly what the penalties will be if the auditors find that the ousterlemain does not contain the facts quite accurately. At the foot of the ousterlemain is an excellent signature of Lord Burghley. The valor states quite explicitly that Sir Rees Griffith died on 30 July 1580; that Piers came of age on 25 September 1589.

Three papers, original and two translations (one of the indenture only, the other of indenture and extent). The other two documents are the original and translation of the decree of the Court of Wards on the question of mesne tenure

Hilary Term
Extent5 items
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