Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/153-158
TeitlPapers relating to the benefactions of Lord Keeper John Williams to St. John's College, Cambridge: copy of the indenture of 24 March, 1623, by which several landed interests were granted and confirmed to the Master and Fellows, and also a number of advowsons including that of the rectory of St. Florence in co.Pembroke and that of Aberdaron in Caernarvonshire; a careful and scholarly analysis (by a Dr. Turner) of these gifts, and a very interseting account of the of the Lord Keeper's connection with the Library of the College; two copies of letters (Aug. 1858) from the Secretary of the Cambridge University Commission to the Master of St.John's and the Dean of Westminster; also two letters of 1876.
Dyddiad24 March 1623
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