Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/175-177
TeitlA demise in fee-farm by [Sir] Rees Griffith, Williem Coytmore, and David Moythey, clericus, [feofees in trust to Sir Rees] to David ap Thomas ap Hoell, burgess of Beaumaris, upon Tyddyn Mawr and Cae Cegin [Kegyn], both in Maenol Bangor, also two mills upon the brook of Cegin, also two parcels of land, one called Gweirglodd Mawr "lying betweene the concourse of water of the Byshops mylne and the brook [broke] of Keygyn". Accompanying these is permission to raise slates in all places and quarells [not quarries as in copy] in the township of Cororion, paying to Sir Rees and his heirs all rialties [royalties] of old times use; power to utilise the void grounds by the two brooks, Ogwen and Cegin "for the sale of slatys and for other comodities" and power to take timber for all reparations; only David ap Thomas to buy slates from all "sellers" thereof in the township. Annual rent, £12.
DisgrifiadOriginal with copy.

The dorse of the copy has 1545; the exact year is 1544. With these is the last will of the aforesaid David ap Thomas ap Hoell, 6 February 1568-9, who had evidently settled in Bangor, and acquired some property there, in addition to his Anglesey interests at Penhwnllys abd Porthllongdy. The one reference to his dealings in slates occurs amongst the money owed him - 30/4 for 13,000 slates by William Spen [Spence?] of Denbigh.
Dyddiad24 November 1544
Extent3 items
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