Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/183
TeitlCatalogue of feoffments - leases, fee-farms - in the time of Sir Rees Griffith, but no exact date is given.
Dyddiadc. 1550
Extent1 item
AdminHistoryThe entry of the lease of Tyddyn Cilfechydd to William ap William is known to be dated 21 May, 1545 (docts. 233-235) and that Jeffrey Lewis, one of the canons of Bangor, another lessee mentioned in the list died in 1560, which points to 1550 as a somewhat likely date. The fifth on the list is a fee-farm demised to Ieuan ap Meredith ap Dicus on Y ty duy in lloyne dayadore, 33/4 a year - a somewhat curious bit of nomenclature. Bangor, Cororion, Bodvaio, and Dinorwic are included. The "30th Henry 8" (i.e., 1538-1539) on the dorse in a modern hand is manifestly wrong, in the face of the exact date of the Cilfechydd docts (1545).
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