Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/188-191
TeitlDocuments relating to controversy over fishing in the Menai Straits
DisgrifiadBill of complaint to the Great Sessions of Caerns. by Nicholas [Robinson], Bishop of Bangor, Sir Rees Griffith of Penrhyn, Sir Richard Bulkeley of Beaumaris [the second], William ap William [Cochwillan] and Thomas Wynn ap William [Vaenol] recounting the several grants by which they have enjoyed the use of certain weirs or fishing places, viz., in length from Ynys Seiriol [Eiriol in text] all along to the ferry of Porthaethwy, in breadth "from the full sea marke between Bewmares and Aber"; no right to bring "any boat or drover by long draughts or fishinge dryfts" without the goodwill and consent of the several petitioners; sinister interference of a certain John Dobbe and Robert Bowltone of the towne of Beaumaris; pray for powers to be given to the Sheriffs of Anglesey and co. Caernarvon, together with the Mayor of Beaumaris for the time being, to punish the offenders.

Powers granted at Conway, 25 July, 1572.

Original papers and two copies

Returned to Penrhyn estate office 2/7/1948
Dyddiad25 July 1572
Extent4 items
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