Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/215
TeitlPetition of Piers Griffith of Penrhyn to the High Court of Chancery against Edward ap William Roger, William ap Evan, Evan ap William ap Robert, and Griffith ap William ap Robert, for their defect and default in observing an agreement of January 1614-1615, by which several weirs - Gored Cegin, Gored Cefn Gwyn, Gored Ucha, Gored Wleb, and Gored Erw Sych, all in Cororion, were leased to them for one year, on condition of repairing and amending the weirs with wood supplied to them, delivering the moiety of the fish for the use of P.G., and paying £50 (between them).
DisgrifiadNot a single one of the above conditions observed; P.G. assesses total damage at £100. Prays for writ of subpoena to bring up the four lessees to answer charges.
Dyddiadc. 1616
Extent1 item
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