Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/271
TeitlBargain and sale by Richard Peake of Conway, esq., and Hugh Peake, his son and heir, to Edmund Williams, gent., of a parcel of land lying in the township of Llechan, near a place called Cefn Maenmor, in length extending from the lands of Rowland Bulkeley, called Ffridd Newydd on the east side, to a certain .... on the west side; and in breadth, between the lands of the heir of Henry Holland, clerk, on the south side, and a small hill called Bryn Bach near Bwlch y Gydros, on the north side; which parcel of land, Hugh Peake, father of the said Richard Peake, purchased from John ap David ap Tudur Llwyd, free tenant of Llechan.
Dyddiad23 October 1592
Extent1 item
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