Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/287
TeitlGrant and confirmation by John Pykmere, burgess of the town of Caernarvon, to Thomas Walton and Thomas Attewall, burgesses of Conway, of his "great place" with a barn and gardens, lying between the aforesaid barn and a certain empty "place" lately called The Malthouse; one burgage lately in the tenure of Richard de Newton and lying near the aforesaid "place" on the south side; and two tenements lying on the other side of the River Saint,of which one is called Hafod Laurance, and the other Hen hafod; two fields, of which one is called the Summer Pasture, and the other Hynkele's Field; one meadow called the Broadmeadow; all of which property lies in the town of Caernarvon; in perpetuity of the chief lord of the fee.

Witnesses: John Stanley, Constablle of Caernarvon Castle, and Mayor of the town; Richard Legh and Thomas Browne, bailiffs of the said town; Richard Brodehede, Roger Symonds, and others.

Given at Caernarvon, 7 March, 1438-9.
Dyddiad7 March 1438-1439
Extent1 item
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