Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/440
Teitl"A true perfect and particular inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattells, and Credits of Nathaniel Hodges, late of Eaton [Eton] in the County of Berks., Bachelor Deceased".
DisgrifiadExecutors named in N.H.'s will, Joseph Andreise Hodges and Thomas Hodges, both deceased; next of kin is the sister Bonella Hodges, married to John Pennant, and so mother of Richard, Lord Penrhyn.
The inventory proceeds to tell of a considerable estate in Jamaica, and gives a long catalogue of negroes with names (with a value opposite each), negro women, working steers, horses, mules, carts, sugar pots, &c., all amounting to £5,809,10.0. in Jamaica money, £4,225.1.93/4 in English; also "204.17.7. personal estate in the hands of Humphrey South, merchant of London.
Three declarations - 4 Sept., 1736, 8 Octor., 1736 and 31 March, 1737, the second by a John Hodges, no doubt another member of the family.
Lord Penrhyn thus inherited estates in Jamaica both on his father's side and his mother's side [for the articles of agreement preliminary to the marriage of John Pennant and Bonella Hodges in 1734, see doct.PENRH/1189].
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