Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/448-449
TeitlCopy of the last will and testament of Hugh Williams, of Chester, first husband of Susanna, daughter of Sir Walter Yonge, and grand-daughter of Sir Robert Williams of Penrhyn [who held the moiety of the Penrhyn estate], who married Sir Hugh Warburton as second husband. H.W. was married before, the wife's name being Ursula; he directs his body to be buried near her grave at Aston in so.Warwick, "as near as possible".
Disgrifiadrefers to lands in Wales, Lancashire, Cheshire, and to shares which he held in the company formed for the navigation of the river Dee. Very curiously, there is no date whatsoever in the will, but it was proved in London on 6 May, 1747. Surprisingly late date, in view of the settlement in docts. 443-447. With the will there is a note, dated 25 May, 1747, from Phillip Carteret Webb to the effect that the stock referred to could be carried to the account of Mrs. Warburton.
Dyddiad6 May 1747
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