Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/460
TeitlIndenture of sale by John Williams of Ystumcolwyn [in Meifod, co.Mont.] to Sir Robert Williams of Penrhyn, consideration, £20, of Tyddyn Robert Albertus alias Y Ty Mawr ym Maes y Pempul in the township of Bodvayo, "late in the tenure of Robert Albertus and now in the tenure of Robert ap William". Premises surrounded by the lands of Sir Robert, viz., Cae Rees ap Howell, Cae Prys, Cae Gweniss [gwenith?] and part of one quillet adjoining to the premises and the highway.
Dyddiad28 August 1674
AdminHistoryJohn W. was a grandson of Henry W. of Cochwillan and great-grandson of William Williams. On account of the lucklessness of H.W. the family surrendered their hold upon Arllechwedd Uchaf, and it is surprising to find John W. owning land in Bodvayo at this date.
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