Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/508-574
TeitlSixty-seven papers relating to property at Warehorne in Kent ranging in date from 17 Decr., 1707, to Michaelmas Term, 1813: mortgages, assignments, several wills, codicils, and probate of wills, bonds of obligation, abstracts of title, &c.
AdminHistoryUltimately the messuage in Warehorne and 81 acres of land came into the hands of a John Sutton, from whose devisees it was purchased by Miss Elizabeth Bouverie, who afterwards became the [second] wife of G.H. Dawkins Pennant. The last document of all in a long series is a release (30 April, 1814) of the property by Miss Bouverie to G.H.D.P.
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