Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/869-879
TeitlDeed of exchange (20 Sept., 1788) between Richard, Lord Penrhyn, and the Trustees of Beaumaris Grammar School: the former grants and confirms to the trustees the messuages of Tremoelgoch (parish of Llanddeusant), Bodhala (Cerrig Ceinwen), Ty Coch (Llangristiolus and Cerrig C.), Tyddyn Kyrver (Llechcynfarwy); and Bodneuadd (Llanfflewyn and Llanrhuddlad), all in co, Anglesey, in lieu of the messuage of Dyffryn Mymbyr in the parish of Llandegai, which had evidently formed part of the possession of David Hughes, founder of the Beaumaris School [though it is not expressly mentioned in his last will of 30 Dec., 1609], and lay intermixed with Lord Penrhyn's lands in that parish. Negotiations began in 1782 by letters which passes between Lord Penrhyn's agents (William Williams of Llandegai being one of them) and Owen Hughes, the solicitor of Beaumaris, secretary to the Trustees; special Act of Parliament necessary; matter delayed by the difficulty of getting the Trustees to meet, they living far apart in counties Anglesey and Caernarvon, and rather confused by Lord Penrhyn's importunate desire to proceed at the same time with this Act and an Act for building the quay at Port Penrhyn.
DisgrifiadThe 11 papers contain a copy of the will of David Hughes (869); three letters between the agents (870-872); two copies of the agreement for exchange, 30 Aug., 1783 (873-874); a copy [printed] pf the special Act of 1785; two copies of the indenture of 1788 (876-878); with the lease of possession, and a final letter from the agent to the Trustees' property, 31 Dec., 1789 (879).
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