Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/1162
TeitlPetition on 20 Oct., 1853 - incorporating the unanimous resolution of a Public Vestry held - of farmers and cottagers in the parish of Llanllechid to the Honble. E.G. Douglas-Pennant, M.P. [created Lord Penrhyn in 1866] appealing to him to exercise his influence to oppose the project mooted at Bethesda to obtain "a Local Act of Parliament for the Management of thr Place"; allege that the idea was fostered by a minority in a clandestine manner and without regard to the initial costs and to the very heavy rates that will be imposed in consequence of its adoption.
DisgrifiadThe Bethesda supporters are described as "parties interested in having a Local Act and other wild speculations".
Dyddiad20 October 1853
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