Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/1168-1170
Teitl"Lease of a House and Garden in Bangor... for the lives of the Lessee and her som (the latter being a fresh life nominated on the death of a life in a former Lease of the said premises ...." (11 Febr., 1812). The former lease was granted on 12 Nov., 1789, by Richard, Lord Penrhyn, to Hugh Jones, surgeon, and Catherine his wife during their natural lives and that of the longest liver, "and for such other life as might thereafter be nominated by the said Hugh and Catherine or their assigns"; new life nominatedm John, son of Hugh and Catherine; surrender of former lease; annual rent, £3.3.0; new term, natural lives of Catherine and John and the longest liver of them.
New lease made in the name of Anne Susannah, Baroness Penrhyn [widow of the first Lord Penrhyn, daughter of General Hugh Warburton] and G.H. Dawkins Pennant, devisee in fee by the will of Lord Penrhyn.
DisgrifiadThree papers.
Dyddiad11 february 1812
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