Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/1505-1517
TeitlTwelve papers relating to difficulties arising after the death of Richard, Lord Penrhyn (1810-1813).
DisgrifiadThe first is somewhat sensational being a case for counsel's opinion whether Mr. Fearon had overcharged commission during the years of his agency, by adopting a scale of charges intrinsically different from that of his predecessor Falconer, and different from the charges universally made by gentlemen holding such agencies when there was no special agreement to the contrary. In fact, the case is that he charged his commissions on gross proceeds, not on nett.The two counsel consulted rule against him very definitely; for further developments, see year 1814. There follow records of payments by G.H.D.P. to the executors of the aforesaid Mr.Falconer, due from the late Lord Penrhyn, and four docts. in which two London firms request a liquidation of the debts they allege due to them - all bearing upon the Jamaica trade. There is also an account of the negroes for 1812-1813, mainly on the Kupius plantation.
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