Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/1637
TeitlComposite account book, full of interesting matter for the economic historian, but poorly preserved.
DisgrifiadSpme pp. have disappeared altogether, and B, 25-28, have been badly mutilated. Two sides, A and B with signs of old pagination here and there; these have been newly paginated, provisionally in pencil - A, 120pp.; B, 55. A is concerned with the rent accounts for the Penrhyn estate moieties for 1717, with sums in arrear for 1716 and 1715. Really gives a general account of the finances of the estate, with particulars of all kinds of disbursements, of which this is probably the most interesting (p.32). - "1716. Pd Wm Parry Clark of Llandegay for tolleing ye Bell at L Russells death .....10/-" [Lord Edward Russell, son of William, Duke of Bedford, was the second husband of Frances, daughter of Sir Robert Williams of Penrhyn]. On pp.119-120 is a rental of the Winnington estate for 1740. Side B is altogether taken up with the rock salt accounts of the Winnington pits, years 1735-1743.
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