Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/1657
TeitlLetter from the new agent, Robert Bridge, to Mrs [Anne] Warburton at Chester, 7 Novr., 1745.
DisgrifiadVery unfavourable account of his predecessor Paynter: has absconded, leaving behind him at Penrhyn nothing but bundle of iron hoops, an oal table, and some lumber not worth 20/-, but indebted to the owners in the sum of £880. Mr.Bridge gives some details of the attempts to "have a meeting" with Paynter, but he had left towards Cheshire, and there is now great fear that nothing will be effective unless a bill against him is filled in Chancery, Yet it was Mr.P who dilated on the "peevishness" of his predecessor Doulben and upon the "neglect" of Doulben and other agents. It was he also, in his 1743-4 rental, who had adopted ingenious symbols for describing arrears as desperate, good, or doubtful.
Dyddiad7 November 1745
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