Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/1967
TeitlLetter from John Paynter the agent to Sir William Yonge.
DisgrifiadFull of interesting matter about the Caernarvonshire slate trade, the very low ebb of the Penrhyn concerns, and the very flourishing export business earried on by Cilgwyn quarrymen. Analyses the position thoroughly, has some words about the "peevishness" of his predecessor Doulben in discouraging the activities of traders at Abercegin, together with some suggestions for improvement. Towards the end of his long letter he grows pessimistic over the Llandegai commons, the liberties taken thereupon by the people of Llanddeiniolen and even by the Lord Bishop of Bangor, and points out a contrast with the days of Sir Robert Williams, who never forgot to have the boundaries "walk'd" every year.
Dyddiad25 May 1738
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