Rhif Cyf AmgPENRH/2034
TeitlArticles of agreement between Richard, Lord Penrhyn, on the one side, and Samuel Worthinton, Michael Humble, and Samuel Holland, all of Liverpool, merchants; the latter to be supplied with all the slates made and manufactured at the quarries of Cae Braich y Cafn [with certain clearly-specified exceptions] at rates particularly laid down with provision of an office at the quay and special accommodation for loading.
DisgrifiadInteresting analysis of the various kinds and sizes of slates, with their picturesque nomenclature [there are summaries of the agreement in pencil on the margins, which greatly facilitate following the details of the doct.].
The main exceptions are commitments to John Furey of Winnington "for his trade up the river Weaver"; to Samuel and James Wyatt of London, architects; to Barker Chifney of London, merchant. Reference to the new sawing mill "now erecting at Coed y Park near the said quarries". Full arrangements for regularising a system of accounts under the agreement and for its determination by either party.
Dyddiad1 August 1801
AdminHistoryTis Samuel Holland must be father to the S.H. who did so much for quarry development in the Ffestiniog district.
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