Rhif Cyf AmgPFA/1/30
Disgrifiad1. Ken' and Lli' sons and heirs of Mered' ap Tud ap Ken', free tenants of the township of Heneglwys in the commote of Maltr', co. Anglesey

2. Willym ap Gruff' ap Willym

Mortgage in the name of "tir prid" for an initial term of 4 years commencing at All Saints, 1409 and subsequently for quadrennial periods of no.1's lower turbary called korsbodwroc lying on the Heneglwys side in the hamlet of Bodewran
Witnesses : ll' ap hulky nap ll', Ior' ap Eign' ap Mad', Morys duy and others.
Given at Penmynyth, November 12, 11 Henry IV (1409)
Consideration : 36s 8d
Dyddiad12 November 1409
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