Rhif Cyf AmgPFA/1/31
Disgrifiad1. Ken' and Lli', sons of Mere dap Tud' ap Ken, free tenants of the township of Wastrodion in the commote of Maltr', [co. Anglesey]

2. William ap Gruff' ap William

Gift of a turbary lying between the turbaries of no. 1 called korsbodwroc in the hamlet of Bodwyne in the township of Heneglwys
Witnesses : Ior' ap Eign' ap Mad, Gron' ap Bled' ap Mered', Lli' ap Hulkyn ap Lli' moel, Ieuan lloyt ap Ieuan ap Gruff', Morys duy and others.
Given at Penmynyth, Trinity Sunday, 3 Henry V (1415)
Dyddiad26 May 1415
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