Rhif Cyf AmgPFA/1/34
Disgrifiad1. Mered' ap Bellyn; and Gwirvill verch lli' ap ken his wife; Gruffi ap Ieuan ap lli and Angharat verch lli' ap ken' his wife, free tenants of the Prince of the township of Lledwegan llan in the commote of Maltraith, co. Anglesey

2. William Gruffith, eqs

Gift of all no. 1's land in the commote of Maltraith, co. Anglesey
Witnesses : Deicus ap Ieuan ap lli', Hugh Litherlond, Henry Balfroud, Gwillym ap hoell ap Tud' Hugh ertelet and others
Given at Lledwegan llan, Tuesday next before the feast of St. Mathew, 37 Henry VI (1458)
Dyddiad18 September 1458
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