Disgrifiad | 1. Gruff' ap Meur' ap dd' ap Ieuan, chaplain, free tenant of the Prince of the township of Tref Vadock in the commote of Talebolion, co. Anglesey
2. William Gruffith, knight
Gift of all no. 1's lands and tenements in the township of Cornewy Lan in the commote of Talebolion, co. Anglesey, namely klygir y mays llydan, dryll y dwy berth, penryn yr ogo and Tethyn y porghell Witnesses : lli' ap yollo ap dd' ap Mered', Mered' ap Mathow, Gruff ap Eign' ap Hoell, dd' ap Meur' ap kynddel, dd' ap Gruff' ap Eign ap Hoell and others. Given at Cornewy lan, February 4, 14 Henry VII (1499) |