Rhif Cyf AmgPFA/1/69
Disgrifiad1. Dd' ap Gruff' ap Iollyn; Ieuan ap Gruff' ap Iollyn ; Ken' ap Gruff' ap Iollyn; and Tud' ap Gruff' ap Iollyn, free tenants of the lord prince, of the township of Bathavwn Wyon in the commote of Dyndaethwyr, co. Anglesey

2. William Gruffith, esq.

Gift of lands, tenements, etc., in Bathavwn Vyon, Carrok and elsewhere in co. Anglesey
Witnesses : Hugh Stretton; Thomas Skaresbreyk; Lewys Mershe and many others
Given at Bathavwn Wyon; 10 Nov; 17 Edw. IV
Dyddiad10 November 1477
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