Rhif Cyf AmgPFA/1/629
Disgrifiad1. Gruff ap Ieuan Moiell; Thomas ap Ieuan Moiell, free tenants of the king of the township of Creweryon in the commote of Vghaph, co. Caernarfon

2. William Gruffith esq., free tenant of the same township

Gift of all no.1's lands, tenements, messuages and tofts in the township of Creweryon.
Witnesses : Res ap Tud' vichan, Henry Balfront, Rawlond ap Ieuan Bottan, John ap dd' moylyn, Lli ap Grono ap Pleth and others
Given at Creweryn, the Monday next after the feast of S.S. Philip and James the Apostles, 14 Edward IV (1474)
Dyddiad2 May 1474
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