Rhif Cyf AmgPFA/1/199
Disgrifiad1. Gruff' ap Mortyn free tenant of the township of Crewerion in the commote of Vghaph, co. Caernarfon

2. William ap Gruff ap Willim

Gift of a moiety of all no.1's lands, tenements and houses in the township of Crewerion
Witnesses : Robyn ap Gruff ap Willim, Hoell ap Gruff ap David, Willy map Sefnyn, Gruff' ap Eign ap Hoell, Willy map Tud ap dd' lloit and others
Given at Crewerion, the Tuesday next before the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 2 Henry VI (1423)
Dyddiad12 October 1423
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