Rhif Cyf AmgPFA/1/363
Disgrifiad1. Thomas ap Edward ap Mad' and Jonet verch Edward ap Gwylym goch, his wife, free tenant of the township of Ruyk in the commote of Isgwyrvay, co. Caernarvon

2. William Gruffith the elder, esq.

Gift of all no.1's lands and tenements in the township of Ruyk.
Witnesses : Benet ap res ap Robyn, dd' ap Matto bagh, Howell ap Iollyn ap Ieuan lloit, Ll' ap gruffith ap Ieuan vichan, Gruff ap Ll' ap gruff and others
Given at Ruyk, the Thursday next after the feast of St Martin 19 Edward IV
Dyddiad18 December 1479
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