Disgrifiad | (i) 1. Res Gryffythe esq 2. William Mart[in], [M]ercer of Bangor Counterpart of no.iii below
(ii) 1. [William] Coittmor gent., dd' Moithey, clerk, Rees Gruffithe, esq 2. William Martyn, merchant, burgess of Caernarvon Lease in perpetual fee farm of a tenement or close called Nanporthe in the township of Trefgwyrrythion within Maynoll Bangor in the commote of Iscor', co. Caernarvon Rent : 40s p.a. Witnesses : Humphrey Birkdale; Richard ap Ieuan ap Rys, Thomas Sadle' and others Given at Bangor, December 15, 35 Henry VIII (1543)
(iii) 1. Res Gryffythe esq 2. William martin, Mercer of Bangor Lease for 30 years of a tenement called nanporthe Rent : 40s p.a. |