Rhif Cyf AmgPFA/1/497
Disgrifiad1. Gruff' ap Lli' ap Grono, free tenant of the King of the township of Crewerion in the commote of Vghaph, co. Caernarfon
2. William ap William ap Gruff ap Robyn

Assignment of a mortgage in the name of "tir prid" (no. ? above) of the lands of William ap Lli' ap Grono in cos. Caernarfon and Anglesey.
Witnesses : Richard ap William ap Richard, John ap Gruff' ap Ieuan ap Lli', William ap dd' ap Ieuan ap Ior and others
Given at Crewirion, February 15, 21 Henry VIII (1530)
Dyddiad15 February 1530
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