Rhif Cyf AmgPFA/12/16
TeitlBundle of estate correspondence, also containing some items relating to the quarry/port
a) Correspondence about the public houses on the estate. Also details the rent arrears owed by some quarrymen and mentions the fact that the matter has been raised at the workplace. Also a suggestion that the 'Penrhyn Arms' may re-open after the college leaves, December 1906
b) Envelope of correspondence from Mr Trench (Agent) about the purchase of a new motor car and a football field for the University College, December 1906
c) Correspondence relating to St Anns living and Ty Slatters. Contains document giving a history of St Anns, Dec 1907
d) Translation from Y Werin of a letter entitled 'The Penrhyn Quarry Trouble', 31 July 1901
e) Correspondence, and printed statement from William Turner of Plas Brereton, Caernarvon regarding Arthur Wyatt, the price of Penrhyn slate and American imports, 17 March 1896
f) Letter from the Bishop of Bangor relating to the slate quay, 28 March 1837
g) Rent Vouchers, 1829
h) Agreement between G.H. Dawkins Pennant and Samuel Worthington re. stables, 12 September 1823
i) Printed correspondence between Lord Penrhyn and Daniel Rowlands MA regarding the site for a chapel at Hirael, May/June 1869
j) Note in the hand of the 2nd Lord Penrhyn regarding the Penrhyn Quarry standard wages, n.d.
k) Account of Penrhyn history possibly written by Cadwalader Giles Ellis, Gardener aged 72, c. 1808-1816
Dyddiadc. 1808-1907
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