Rhif Cyf AmgPFA/12/39
TeitlLarge bundle of items relating to W.J. Parry. Bundle includes:
Disgrifiada) Letter from Lady Penrhyn offering condolences at the death of Mrs Parry, but stating that she does not feel Mr Trench (Estate Agent) is to blame. Letter has been edited by Lord Penrhyn. Also includes letter from Mr Trench thanking Lady Penrhyn for not admitting he was to blame, 13 March 1900
b) Bundle containing printed letter (and a hand written draft) written by Lord Penrhyn responding to comments made about him in the North Wales Observer & Express by W.J. Parry in relation to the Royal Commission on Labour. Letter never sent on the advice of E.A. Young (letter from E.A. Young included). In one letter against going to the press with Lord Penrhyn's statement, Young suggests: 'Do you now think that the dismissal quietly of 2 or 3 at a time of the worst of the agitators would be beneficial?', 15 November 1892
c) Envelope of correspondence from W J Parry & Arthur Wyatt to the Quarry benefit Club, on the envelope Lord Penrhyn has written 'Duplicity', April-May 1875
d) Envelope of documents with correspondence re. Clarion & W.J. Parry written on it. Includes two cuttings from The Clarion newspaper &, copies of communications between the solicitors of Lord Penrhyn, The Clarion & W.J. Parry re libel action. Copy of an extract from The Clarion suggesting Penrhyn is responsible for the rise in death rates in Bethesda & letter from Hugh Vincent (solicitor) to Lord Penrhyn 26 July 1901 giving an update on the situation re. libel case "I think this places Parry in an exceedingly nasty corner, especially as he has removed our greatest difficulty by admitting publication.", 16 & 21 March 1901
e) Correspondence containing two letters from Hugh Vincent about the case against Parry. Mention's Parry's book, 04 September 1901 & 24 October 1901
f) Envelope containing two letters re case against Parry (by H. Vincent). One details the line he suspects the defence will take, 19 & 29 October 1901.
g) Envelope containing two letters from H. Vincent stating that Parry was beaten in one of the interlocutory proceedings.
h) Two letters from Claude Douglas-Pennant (barrister & nephew) giving updates on the Parry case.
i) An edition of the Liverpool Daily Post sent to Lord Penrhyn with an article about him highlighted & a note written on the side 'Lord P will see from this that he is a good friend to collectivists.' Written on the envelope by Lord Penrhyn is 'is this Parry's handwriting', 25 August 1896
j) Bundle containing: 10 March 1892 edition of the Liverpool Courier featuring an article on 'the enfranchisement of places of worship bill' with sections highlighted & notes by Lord Penrhyn stating that 'the evidence ???? G. Lawsom is that of W. J. Parry!!' and a copy of a letter from Lord P to J.A. Wilcox M.P. thanking him for representations made in the article.
k) Envelope containing two editions of the Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald 11 Nov 1903. Written on the envelope by Lord Penrhyn is 'Caernarvon Herald sept 11 1903 vile pages 4 & 8 W.J. Parry'. One edition has Lord Penrhyn's notes written on it. Penrhyn has highlighted the fact that the Parry defence fund has raised £2960.
l) Envelope market to "truth" re. W.J. Parry, contains response to an article entitled "Truth about W.J. Parry" from David Williams, where he outlines the practices of Parry's 'Gwynedd Loan and Discount Company' accompanied by a cover letter in which Hugh Vincent writes that 'I am afraid that the statement is grossly libellous of Mr W. J. Parry though true; but I think we can pretty well hold him in check by taking bankruptcy proceedings against him.' Also includes a letter about a speech published in the Birmingham Daily Post by Brookes, which possibly stated that Penrhyn was 'a murderer of men women and children in the streets of Bethesda.'
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