Rhif Cyf AmgPFA/14/1106
TeitlWages Book
DisgrifiadThis wages book contains various details for the staff of the Penrhyn estate between 1934-1942. Some details included are the workers’ names, total hours worked, the rate per hour, Employees Insurance Contributions, their wages less Insurance Contributions. Some entries contain the job description. Loosely inserted in the middle of this ledger are various slips,for instance for a W William Tocker who is has been off work due to a Septic finger. There are letters from the Alliance Assurance Company Limited, Bangor with details of compensation, a certificate from the National Health Insurance filled in for a Gwilym Evan Hughes. There are also many slips with receipts of financial assistance received from Lord Penrhyn whilst being off work for Mr.Pickles, Emily Jones and Thomas R Jones between the period the 05th of May 1939 and 03rd of November 1939.
Dyddiad06 September 1934- 14 May 1942
Extent1 ledger
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