Disgrifiad | Had a tedious voyage out; is sending home some papers and photographs; is due to go "up into the Country" this week; describes his staff; has visited the Governor; the mines are very rich - "the Gold is a grand sight" - and diamonds are now being discovered; is very anxious for a visit from May and Annie; climate very hot and moist; would like to see Wrexham newspapers occasionally; he is gazetted a Government Officer and Magistrate (28 January 1891). Has returned from his first trip into "the Wilds"; much about pay and allowances; the price of a furnished house to let; pay and allowances; etc (26 February 1891). Has sent a postal draft via Regi; promises to write to the family; is busy writing reports to the Government; he may be elected to the Court of Policy, thereby being entitled to the title "Hon'ble"; climate very hot (11 March 1891). Acknowledges mail; hopes she and the family are in the Channel Islands on receipt of this letter; more about financial matter; suffers from fever every week or ten days; does not advise Annie to come out because of the unhealthy climate; the slowness of Government procedures; a chance of his department being made permanent, with his salary at £1,500 p.a. (9 September 1891). Complains at lack of letters from home; wishes he was with them at the seaside instead of "this fever striken (sic) plague spot"; is shortly to go up the river Demerara; some money talk; her choice of house (23 September 1891). Has returned from his journey, unscathed by fever; hopes he is becoming acclimatized; has sent money; Government advice is that he be appointed Head of the Permanent Mining Department; good wishes (4 November 1891). Has been appointed Commissioner of Mines; is prepared to finance a trip made by Annie to join him; notes that she and the family have again been invited to Wynn Hall, and has no real objection to their accepting, provided his brother Louis "clears out altogether" and that no conditions are imposed upon them; other than those on any other tenant; he "will not allow or consent to any dictation either from [his] brothers or sisters in the matter; he does "not care anything about the place"; feels she would be better off in a more modern house near London or Manchester; the "migratory" habits of wealthy people in Demerara in the hot season; the high expense of living there; his daily regime to remain fit; has taken to riding for the sake of his liver; 3 Colonial Engineers have died since his arrival; his plans for "opening up" the country; the new mining laws; promises funds (11 February 1892). An undated letter fragment refers to money matters; the Danubian Co. case; etc. |