Rhif Cyf AmgWYNN/82
TeitlLetter from Sarah Kenrick at Chester to her sister [-in-law] Mrs Wm. Kenrick At Wynn Hall
DisgrifiadSends thanks for "a noble piece of most excellent brawn", and for "a bountiful provision of beautiful sea kale"; is glad Wm. is wearing the net [see Wynn Hall Ms 81 (I)] she made for him; sister Mary's thanks to Wm. for his letter; hopes for an account of the colliery valuation soon; "Mr Jones for the Gas Works" will be wanting coal and coke (the latter for railway engines); corn prices; Mary's improved health, refers to recipient's wish to write to Phebe, Edward's wife (U S A); £28 for Elizabeth; good wishes
Dyddiad22 February 1841
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