Rhif Cyf AmgWYNN/742
Disgrifiad1. Joseph Lee the younger of Iscoyd, gent.; Richard Corser of Whitchurch, ironmonger; and John Minor of Woodstile in the parish of Grinhill, co. Salop, gent., assignees of the estate of John Kenrick late of Whitchurch, cheesefactor, dealer and chapman - a bankrupt

2. John Kenrick the elder of Wynne Hall, gent.

Lease for a year of a capital messuage in the parish of Ruabon; a parcel of land in Bodylltin in the same parish called Erw Valley; a messuage or old meeting-house in [Wrexham] Regis adjoining the Talbot Inn in Hope Street; a parcel of pasture and arable land called Parthongan (location obliterated by damp}; a furlong of meadow called Gwern y Bryn alias Gwern Brennyn in the parish of Holt; a messuage in Erw Allo and Havodgynvor or in Glyn Keiriog in the parish of Llangollen; premises in Trevechan in the parish of Ruabon; a parcel of meadow called Gwern Gethyng in the parish of Holt containing about 7 days math of hay
DyddiadJanuary 8 or 18 178(5)
ConditionFragments central area of document missing
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