Description | f.1 A register of & from my Father & Mothers Marriage & soe downwards descenable.
f.2 Issue vpon my Father & Mothers marriage ...
f.5 1662. April 19th. The tymes of the severall marriages of my selfe Brothers and Sisters.
f.7v 1662. April 19th. The tymes of the Deathes of my Father & Mother & their Issue.
f.8 1662. Issue betwixt me & my wife Maudlen Rogers the heretrix of Bryntangor.
f.10 1662. Issue betwixt me & my wife Maudlen Rogers the heretrix of Bryntangor.
f.12 1662. The Deathes of my wives & children till this day.
f.13v 1670. Aprill 19th. issues of my children birthes & Deathes.
f.18 1662. Aprill 19th. Issues of my Children birthes & Deathes.
f.20 (do.) Thomas Yale & my daughter Dorothie their Issues Birthes & Deathes.
f.23 (do.) Willm rice & my daughterMagdalen their Childrens Birthes & Deathes.
f.26 (do.) Thomas Hughes & Mary Jones his first wife their Childrens Birthes & their Deathes & hers.
f.27 (do) Thomas Hughes & Margarett Griffithes his second wife their Childrens Birthes & Deathes.
f.29 (do) John Masmor & my daughter Katheran their Children Birthes & Deathes.
f.32 1662. August 25th. What Corne I had this yeare groweing att Gwercles & Kymer.
ff. 34-93 (Detailed accounts of crops sown and harvested, sheep depastured on the Berwyns, wool sold, servents' wages paid, etc.) |