Alt Ref NoPENRH/283
TitleGrant in perpetuity by John de Haunton, burgess of the town of Caernarvon, to William de Shaldeforde, senior, of the moiety of one burgage and 5 acres of land in Caernarvon; the said moiety lying between the burgages of the said William on the one side, and being 36 feet in length, while the said 5 acres lie near the House of the Lepers beyond the River Saint - in exchange for the moiety of one burgage and two acres of land, the said moiety lying between the burgage of the said William and the burgage of Margerie de Leyburn and containing in length 37 feet, while the said two acres lie between the lands of the said William and the land of Julian le Tailor.
Witnesses : John de Hanson, John de Legh, Roger de Acton, Philip de Newton, et al.
Sunday after the Feast of the Apostles Philip and James
Date1 May 1336
Extent1 item
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