Description | 1. Meurik ap dd' ap Ieuan, free tenant of the township of Cornwylan
2. William ap Gruff' ap William
GIFT of all no.1's part of the fishery and Island of Seals ("insula focarum") which descended to no.1 through his mother Eua vergh Generys vergh Hoell, that is as much of a part as Mered' ap Mad Lwydwyn has on the same island, being part of the township of Cornwylan Witnesses : Ken ap Hoell ap Ken', Iollo ap dd' Mered', Deia ap Ronkyn, Ieuan ap Ronkyn, deikus ap Ieuan ap Lli and others Given at Cornwylan, the Wednesday next after the feast of the Purification on of the B.V.M., 6 Henry VI (4 February 1428)
1. Mad' ap Eua vergh Tud' free tenant of the Bishop and Chapter of Bangor of the township of Cornwylan
2. William ap Gruff' of Penmynyth
GIFT of all no.1's part of the fishery on the island called ynysmoelroniyeit, part of the township of Cornwylan. Witnesses : Rowland de Stanley, Hoell ap Gruff' ap dd' , Morys Du yap Ken' ap Mad', Mered' ap Mad' Lloytwyn, Ior' ap Tud' ap Ior' and others. Given at Cornwylan, the day next before the feast of St Peter Ad Vincula, 3 Henry VI (31 July 1425). |