Description | (1-2) Last letters to his wife 1. 1892 August 10 : W W K at Demerara to his wife Minnie. Has written to her or Will [son] by every mail; the climate of the "White man's grave" is "simply a vapour bath" at all times; his job as Commissioner of Mines; would be glad "to leave the place for half the income anywhere else"; hopes for 3 months' paid leave the following year; messages to the children; the climate would certainly kill "Jack" - "only Midle [sic] aged & Old Men...seem to stand it"; is soon to leave Demerara for the north-west of the colony, on an inspection visit. 2. 1892 August 31 : W W K at Demerara to his wife Minnie. Acknowledges receipt of letter; is about to leave by steamer to inspect the north-western gold field; is writing from the house of the District Government Agent, Captain Cartwright; will be away from Georgetown for 6-8 weeks; the difficulty of travel in B.G.; will have 22 men and 2 boats on the trip; messages to the children; much about the new house and furnishings; remarks on the number of "engagements" [to be married] at home; is grieved to hear of Kitty [the actress?] but will not stand in her way; financial provisions. (3-8) Press reports of his death 3-4. 1892 September 18 : Copy of The Daily Chronicle [British Guiana] of this date, with lengthy obituary article on W W K with ms. copy. 5-6. 1892 September 20 : Copy in ms. of additional information, from The George Town Daily Chronicle of this date. With carbon copy. 7. 1892 September 24 : Ms. copy of an obituary article from The Argosy, datelined Georgetown. 8. 1892 October 8 : Jotted ms. copy of an obituary article from an unnamed S. African publication. (9-29) Letters of condolence and notification. 1892 September 14 - 1893 March 29 : Include letters : from Capt. Cartwright, Gov't Agent, to Viscount Gormanston, Governor of the Colony (plus copy); copy Cartwright's letter to the widow; Mrs Olive Cartwright's ditto; Lord Gormanston's ditto (with copy); Lord G's letter to J.P. Kenrick (with copy); and friends at home and abroad to Mrs. W.W. (Minnie) Kenrick. (30-35) Tombstone erected over W W K's grave 1892 - 1895 : Correspondence relating to the erection of a tombstone over W W K's grave, addressed to [J.P.] Kenrick and Mrs W W K from Brit. Guiana and Montreux, Switzerland. (36-37) Will and estate of W W K 1892 - 1894 : Correspondence addressed to J.P. Kenrick and to Messrs. James and James, sols, Wrexham, in re. the will and assets of W W K (38-44) Miscellaneous 1887 - 1892 : Miscellaneous papers, including : death photograph of W W K; the Mining Journal of 17 December 1887, with prospectus of the "Great She" Gold Mining Co. of S. Africa; misc. cuttings; map of Brit. Guiana, North West District (paper; col'd; ms. additions; various scales); etc. |