Description | Her coming marriage to "Mr James"; is pleased she has placed a tombstone over her parents' grave; desires her to get him 6 prs of large-sized "Welsh Wool Stockings of the best quality - 1/2 lb of yarn of the same Colour; let the Stockings be run at the Heels - [and] 12 Yards of Welsh Flannel at 2/0 to 2/6 per yard"; regrets [12 January 1835] to hear of her illness; his own wife is very ill. In the following letter, he reports that his wife is dead; he feels the loss particularly, as they had no children; has selected some of his late wife's best "Cloaths" [at her wish] and has sent them to Mary Anne "by the Shrewsbury Waggon" [appends detailed and important inventory of the apparel, including "the Silver Snuff Box which belonged to your Grandfather's Maiden Aunt, Ann Tomlinson"]. Is glad to learn [14 September 1835] that Mary Anne's health has improved; his has, also; is about to spend a month with relatives at Stamford; in the same letter [14 September 1835], writes : "Buckingham House will not be ready for the King's Reception before next Spring. I hope and trust I shall not be removed there [from Ambassadors' Court], as I understand there will scarcely be accommodation sufficient for the immediate Attendants of the Royal Family"; requires her to buy for him 9 yards of "good, soft Welch Flannel" which is "for Under Waistcoats which my Servant will make for me"; a fire [26 March 1836] in Bond St. has destroyed the Western Exchange, and a bazaar and 8 houses in the Burlington Arcade |