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Collapse MOST - (Bangor) Mostyn ManuscriptsMOST - (Bangor) Mostyn Manuscripts
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Collapse 3 - Deeds, documents and papers 3 - Deeds, documents and papers
Collapse 1 - A. Welsh Counties1 - A. Welsh Counties
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1475 - Surrender by Henry ap David ap Gruffith and John ap Henry
1476 - Feoffment to uses (being a settlement after the marriage of Thomas ap Robert
1477 - Mortgage of a messuage and tenement where 1 now dwells, and 5 closes
1478 - Bond in £120 for the quiet possession of a messuge and tenement, and 5 closes
1479 - Lease for 3 lives of a cottage and croft lying near the river Wheeler
1480 - Deed to lead the usees of a fine of a messuage and tenement in Rhydonen, co. Denbigh
1481 - Gift of a messuage and tenement, etc. in Aberchwiler, co. Denbigh
1482 - Feoffment of a messuage and tenement and closes called kay yr droedwen ucha
1483 - Bond in £96 for the performance of covenants contained in a deed of equal date
1484 - Bond in £80 for the performance of covenants contained in a deed of mortgage of equal date
1485 - Bond in £30 for the performance of covenants contained in an Indenture of equal date
1486 - Bond in £32 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of indentures of equal date
1487 - Bond in £21. 4s. for the payment of £10s. 12s
1488-1489 - Lease and release (the release being a mortgage), of a messuage and tenement
1490 - Mortgage of closes in Aberchwiler
1491 - Mortgage (following an initial mortage by lease and release for which see Nos. 1488, 1489)
1492 - Bond in £252 for the performance of covenants contained
1493 - Deed to delcare the usesof a fine, following a mortage of a messuage and tenement
1494 - Draft abstract of title to lands, etc, in Aberchwiler, co. Denbigh
1495-1496 - Lease and release (the release being a mortgage)
1497 - Bond in £300 for the performance of covenants
1498-1499 - Lease and release purporting a Mortgage of a messuage or tenement
1500 - Bond in £40 for the performance of covenants contained in a certain indenture
1501-1502 - Lease and release being a reassignment of a mortgage
1503 - Bond in £820 for the performance of covenants contained in an Indenture
1504-1505 - Lease and release purporting a Mortgage of a messuage or tenement
1506 - Mortgage of a messuage or tenement and closes
1507 - Bond in £1,700 for the performance of covenants
1508 - Lease for 99 years of a messuage and tenement
1509 - Lease for 99 years of a water corn mill called Velyn ucha
1510 - Counterpart of No. 1509
1511 - Memorandum of an agreement for a tithe-barn in the township of Aberchwiler
1512 - Gift of lands called y Cay yn y mynydd, Tythyn y Ty Kelyn, y Cay Newydd mawr
1513 - The names of closes, meadows and friths [in Abergele]
1514 - Quitclaim of messuages, lands and tenements in the parish of Abergele
1515 - Bargain and sale of 1's messuages, tenements, lands
1516 - Bond in £600 for the quiet possession of two closes in Abergeley, co. Denbigh
1517 - Gift of two closes in Abergeley, co. Denbigh
1518 - Bond in £200 for the freeingn from all incumbrances, etc. of two closes
1519 - Mortgage of 2 closes in the said Bydorryn, one of which lies near the highway called Gorddwynd.
1520 - Gift of five seats and burial places
1521 - Feoffment (in part performance of a Decree in the court of Chancery
1522 - Demise for 99 years of closes called Maes y Dre, y Tri Rhwd Gwair
1523 - Lease for one year of a quillet lying intermixed with the lands of Edward Lloyd
1524 - Release of a quillet lying intermixed with the lands of 2
1525 - Lease(unexecuted) for 21 years of a messuage and tenement in the township of Hendregyda
1526 - Bond in 100 marks for the quiet possession of a messuage or tenement
1527 - Note by John Hughes
1528 - Papers relating to the sale by Sir Thomas Mostyn
1529 - Bond in £80 for the performance of covenants contained in a quadrupartite
1530 - Lease for six months of two messuages and appurtenances
1531 - Bond in £422. 10s. for the performance of covenants contained in an Indenture
1532 - Assignment of a Bond for securing £800 and interest
1533 - Gift of twelve butts of land in the township of Alyncton
1534 - Mortgatge in the name of 'tir prid', for an initial term of four years
1535 - Gift of a messuage and lands lying in breadth
1536 - Quitclaim of lands and tenements in the gafael of Trahayarn ap Ithel
1537 - Quitclaim of a parcel of land lying in a place called Smethmedw
1538 - Bond in £20 sterling to desist from claiming
1539 - Gift of all his share of one parcel of land
1540 - Gift of tofts, lands, tenements etc. in Alynton
1541 - Bond in £5 for the quiet possession of a parcel of land in the hamlet of Almer
1542 - Gift of all the said Gruffith's lands lying in a place called y Roft Vawr
1543 - Quitclaim of all their lands and tenements in the hamlet of Almer
1544 - Letter of attorney by William Eyton
1545 - Gift of the said David's share of four strips of land
1546 - Bond in £5 for the quiet possession of three butts
1547 - Gift of a meadow or pasture lying in breadth between a place called y wern ddu
1548 - Assignment of a lease by letters patent for 40 years
1549 - Articles indented agreed upon between Robert Puleston of Havod y Wern, co. Denbigh
1550 - Articles of agreement concering the conveying by 1. to 2. of lands
1551 - Lease for six months of a messuage, tenement and lands called Darlan Green
1552-1553 - Lease and release of a close called y dole issa
1554 - Gift of all the said Madoc's lands and tenements
1555 - Quitclaim of lands and tenements in the townships of Alynton, Almor and Gresford
1556 - Quitclaim of messuages, lands, tenements, rents, etc which the said Robert
1557 - Quitclaim of all his messuages, lands and tenements
1558 - Grant of the advowson and patronage of the said perpetual vicariate
1559 - Lease of a capital messuage, a cottage, 20 acres of land
1560 - Bond in £600 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of indentures
1561 - Assignment of a Crown Lease, dated 15 June 1573
1562 - Mortgage of a messuages and tenement and lands
1563 - Feoffment of a messuage and tenement and closes called Kay Coch
1564 - Gift of messuages, barns, buildings, lands and tenements in Iscoyd
1565 - Gift of a capital messuage or tenement in Dutton Diffeth
1566 - Bond in £400 with condition that the said John ap Harry
1567 - Assignment of an acre
1568 - Gift of a messuage or tenement in Sutton
1569 - Lease for 41 years of a messuage and tenement in the said Sutton.
1570 - Release to uses of a messuage or dwelling-house and 2 closes
1571 - Lease for two months of parcels of land in Sutton, co. Denbigh
1572 - Release and quitclaim of lands in Sutton
1573-1574 - Lease and release of a close called y Dole yssa
1575 - Release of their part of a close called the Cley hill
1576 - Lease and release of a close called Lower Llwynie
1577 - Release of a messuage or tenement and appurtenances in Sutton
1578 - Release of a parcel of meadow ground called y Dole yssa
1579 - Assignment of a Mortgage of a capital
1580-1581 - Gift of 2 messuages or tenements called Cumygar, with granaries
1582 - Gift of 2 messuages or tenements called Cumgar
1583 - Bond in £26 for the quiet possession of four closes
1584 - Bond in £665 for the payment by (2) to (1) of £333.6s. 8d.,
1585 - Bond in £200 for the performance
1586 - Bond in £60 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of Indentures
1587 - Agreement
1588 - Bond in £40 for the performance of covenants contained in an Indenture
1589 - Final concord between Sir Evan Lloyd, Bart, and Catherin Lloyd
1590 - Draft agreement between William Williams
1591 - Lease for six months of a messuage
1592 - Description as set out in the Llanarmon Tithe Commutation Award
1593-1594 - Lease and release of a messuge or tenement and lands called y Kay Glase
1595 - Gift of a messuage and tenements in Hirwyn in the parish of Llanbeder
1596 - Bond in £100 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of Indentures of Mortgage
1597 - Lease for 99 years of messuages, tenements and lands in Scrogennan
1598 - Copy record of a Surrender by Rees ap Ievan Lloyd
1599-1600 - Lease and release by 1., with the consent of 5., to 2. of two messuages and tenements
1601-1602 - Lease and release by 1., by the direction of 3., to 2. of two messuages and tenements
1603 - Lease for 21 years of a water corn mill and lands in the township of Llandegla
1604 - Feoffment of a messuage or tenement and a close called gallt Maelor
1605 - Quitclaim of two acres of meadow ground lying in a place called y Werne Vawer
1606 - Deed to lead the uses of a recovery of a messuage or tenement called Tu tan yr Allt
1607 - Gift of a close and a little garden thereto adjoining called Kay Pen yr Allt Issa
1608 - Release by way of a Mortgage from Edward Jones to William Brickdall, subject to various uses specified
1609 - Transcript of a recovery by Henry Vaughan, gent., against Maurice Wynne, gent
1610 - Settlement (before the marriage of 1. and 3.) of a messuage or tenement and lands in the township of Colwyn
1611-1612 - Lease and release to Sir Roger Mostyn of a piece of land called Cae Llidiart y pwll
1613 - Bill of sale of the goods, chattels, implements, household stuff, plate
1614 - Lease for 1 year of a capital messuage called Nantmawre in Melay;
1615 - Assignment of two leases of a tenement and lands in the township of Bodyngharad, co. Denbigh
1616 - Copy surrender by Ievan ap Howell ap Ievan Goch before John Price
1617 - Gift of a purpart or portion of a close calle maes y llay hir
1618 - Lease in perpetual fee farm of three parcles of land
1619 - Gift of one ace of land called Dryll yvleid...
1620 - Bond in £20 for the quiet possession of a parcel of land in the township of Baghe
1621 - Defeasance to a 'Poll deed of fee simple' of equal date of five closes in the township of Bache
1622 - Feoffment of a parcel of land in the township of Bachey
1623 - Gift of a parcel of land in the township of Llangollen Veghan
1624 - Bond in £20 for the quiet possession of a parcel of land in Llangollen
1625 - Gift of a messuage or tenement called Tyn yn y fferm
1626 - Gift of three closes in the township of Llangollen fechan
Expand 1627 - Gift of all the said Ieuaf's lands and tenements in the township of Pengwern.1627 - Gift of all the said Ieuaf's lands and tenements in the township of Pengwern.
Expand 1628 - 6 documents secured together by a parchment thong1628 - 6 documents secured together by a parchment thong
Expand 1629 - 9 documents secured together with a parchment thong1629 - 9 documents secured together with a parchment thong
1630 - Quitclaim of lands and tenements in Penwern.
1631 - Gift of one butt ('sellionem') of land lying in a place called Camdir
1632 - Gift of all the said Madoc's share of Y wern duy
1633 - Mortgage ('tir prid') for an initial term of ten years
1634 - Mortgage ('tir-prid') for an initial term of 13 years from the feast of St Michael
1635 - Gift of piece of land in the township of Pengwern
1636 - Gift of a house and a piece of land called Gwern ddu
1637 - Gift of all the aid David's right and title in the township of Pengwern in Nantheudoy
1638 - Gift of all his lands and tenements in the township of Pengwern
1639 - Mortgage in the name of 'tir-prid' for an initital term of 4 years from the feast of St. Michael
1640 - Gift of messuages, lands, tenements, etc, in the said township.
1641 - Lease in fee farm of a fulling mill and two 'erwas' or small parcels of land
1642 - Feoffment of 5 parcels of land in Pengwern lying together
1643 - Gift of a close called Cae Ievan in the township of Pengwern, co. Denbigh
1644 - Bond in £40 for the conveyance of lands in Pengwern
1645 - Settlement after the marriage of Gruffith ap David ap Owen
1646 - Settlement after the marriage of Gruffith ap David ap Owen
1647 - Feoffment to uses of a messuage and 6 parcels of land called y kae yn ynmyl
1648 - Settlement (after the marriage of the said Ievan and Margaret verch John)
1649 - Counterpart of No. 1648 Settlement (after the marriage of the said Ievan and Margaret verch John)
1650 - Lease for 21 years of a moiety or half part of the tenement
1651 - Mortgage of a close called kae Ievan in Pengwern
1652 - Bond in £40 for the quiet possession of a close caled kae Jevan
1653 - Bond in £60 for the quiet possession of a water corn mill called Melin Pengwern
1654 - Settlement (before the marriage of William ap Ievan ap David
1655 - Bargain and sale of a messuage or tenement and six parcels of land in the township of Pengwearn
1656 - Gift of a messuage and tenement in Pengwern, called y ty mawr
1657 - Final concord between Roger Mostyn, esq., plaintiff, and Edward ap Robert
1658 - Counterpart of No. 1657
1659 - Quitclaim of a messuage or tenement and six parcels of land called y kae yn ymyl y ty
1660 - Gift of three closes or parcels of land in Pengwern, co. Denbigh
1661 - Mortgage of a close called y werglodd hir in the said Pengwern, co. Denbigh
1662 - Gift of a parcel of land called y Trawstir
1663 - Bond in £8 for the performance of covenants
1664 - Gift of a meadow called y weirglodd dan y ty
1665 - Bond in £5 for the quiet possession of a meadow
1666 - Mortgage of a meadow in Pengwern called y wirglodd wen
1667 - Bond in £38 for the quiet possession of a meadow called y wirglodd wen
1668 - Lease for 11 years of a messuage and 5 closes in the said Pengwerne.
1669 - Bond in £22 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of Indentures
1670 - Mortgage of a meadow or two parcels of land
1671 - Mortgage of a close in Pengwern called kae y votty bychan
1672 - Counterpart of No. 1671 Mortgage of a close in Pengwern called kae y votty bychan
1673 - Lease for two lives of a cottagge or ovenhouse
1674 - Quitclaim of three closes in Pengwerne called kae llechwedd
1675 - Gift of half a close or parcel of land called y Trowsdir
1676 - Bond in £44 for the quiet possession of the moiety of a close in Pengwerne
1677 - Gift of a messuage or tenement in Pengwern, called Tythyn y Gwyrnant
1678 - Bond in £67 for the quiet possession of a messuage
1679 - Mortgage of a close in Pengwern called Errwr Pistyll
1680 - Bond in £10 for the quiet possession of a close in Pengwern
1681 - Mortgage of two messuages or tenements in Pengwern and a close there
1682 - Bond in £10 for the quiet possession of two parts of messuages
1683 - Gift of closes in Pengwern called kae issa, kae kanol, kae yn y mynydd,
1684 - Bond in £60 for the quiet possession of closes
1685 - Gift of a close in Pengwern called Erwor Vron
1686 - Bond in £20 for the quiet possession of a close called Errwr Vron
1687 - Bond in £100 for the quiet possession of closes in Pengwern called Kae issa
Collapse 1688 - Six documents fastened together by a parchment thong at the top left-hand corner.1688 - Six documents fastened together by a parchment thong at the top left-hand corner.
1689 - Release of 2 closes in Pengwern called y Wyrglodd dan y Ty
1690 - Quitclaim of messuages, tenements, etc and closes
1691 - Mortgage of a close or arable land called y Cae Vcha
1692 - Bond in £6 for the quiet possession of a close
1693 - Gift of 2. and one Roger Lewys of Mostyn of a capital messuage
1694 - Bond in £40 for the quiet possession of a messuage and tenement
1695 - Feoffment of a water corn mill
1696 - Feoffment of a close in Pengwerne called Kay Ievan.
1697 - Feoffment of a moiety of a messuage or tenement
1698 - Feoffment of a close or parcel of meadow in Pengwern
1699 - Gift of closes in Pengwern, co. Denbigh, called y kae tan y ty, y coppi and y berllan
1700 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine of a messuage or tenement
1701 - Gift in fee farm of a messuage
1702 - Lease for 21 years of a parcel of land called Rhos Pengwern
1703 - Gift of a messuage and tenement in Pengwerne
1704 - Bond in £80 for the performance of covenants contained in a Deed of Release
1705 - Quitclaim of a messuage and tenement in Pengwern, co. Denbigh, called y ty wrth y felyn
1706 - Lease for two months of a parcel of land in Pengwerne
1707 - Quitclaim of a parcel of land called Errow yr Dentyr
1708 - Lease for one year of lands called y wern
1709 - Quitclaim of messauges, lands and tenements in Pengwern
Expand 1710 - Three documents fastened together at the top left hand corner by a parchment thong1710 - Three documents fastened together at the top left hand corner by a parchment thong
1711 - Bond in £100 for the performance of covenants
1712 - Gift of all his lands nad tenements in the townships and fields of Llangollen Vawr
1713 - Bond in 100 marks to obey and keep the judgement and award of Roger ap David
1714 - Gift of all his messuages, lands and tenements in the township of Pengwern and Bache.
1715 - Final concord between Sir John Wynn, kt., Roger Puleston
1716 - Bond in £100 to disclaim title to messuages, lands, etc in Bache and Pengwern
1717 - Mortgage of the moiety of the messuage or tenement
1718 - Feoffment of the moiety of a messuage or tenement
1719 - Final concord between Sir Humphrey May, kt., chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster
1720 - Gift of a messuage or tenement, kilnhouse, bakehouse and barn
1721 - Bond in £60 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of Indentures of equal date.
1722 - Final concord between Roger Mostyn, kt., plaintiff
1723 - Exemplification of a Fine levied between 27 April 1607 and 18 July 1608
1724 - Lease of a messuage or tenement and lands
1725 - Bond in £150 for the payment of £51.
1726 - Bond in £44 for the performance of covenants contained in an Indenture
1727 - Bargain and sale of a messuage and tenement
1728 - Lease for 6 months of a messuage and tenement called y ty wrth y felin
1729 - Feoffment of a messuage and tenement in Pengwern
1730 - Mortgage of two closes called y wern ddu in the township of Pengwern
1731 - Bond in £200 for the performance of covenants contained in an Indenture
1732-1733 - Lease and release of closes called Y wern ddy issa
1734 - Bond in £40 for the performance of covenants contained in an Indenture
1735 - Deed to lead the uses of a recovery of closes
1736 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine of a messuage, tenement and lands
1737 - Bond in £200 for the performance of covenants
1738 - Bond in £200 for the performance of covenants contained in an Indenture Tripartite of equal date
1739 - Assignment for the residue of a term of 5,000 years
1740 - Dead number
1741 - Counterpart lease for 21 years of a messuage or dwellinghouse
1742 - Counterpart lease for 21 years of a house and croft
1743 - Lease (counterpart) for two lives of a field in the parish of Llangollen
1744 - Chirk Inclosure Act
1745 - Abstract of the title of David Williams
1746 - Declaration of trust concerning a Mortage from John Doulben
1747 - Lease in fee farm of all the said Robert's lands and tenements
1748 - Bond in £500 that the said Rees Lloyd and Alice
1749 - Quitclaim of one close containing six acres of land
1750 - Gift of a messuage and tenement in Penporchell, co. Denbigh
1751 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine
1752 - Deed of exchange of five closes formerly called Kae yr gelynen
1753 - Bond in £100 for the performance of covenants
1754 - Lease for six months of a close in Clickiedig in the parish of Llanrhayader
1755 - Release of a close called Plase y meydw
1756 - Bargain and sale of a capital messuage called Plas Newydd
1757 - Lease for 6 months of a messuage, tenement and lands
1758 - Gift of a messuage and lands called y bryn, gardd y Cra, y Dolydd
1759 - Gift of a messuage and tenement in Trerllan
1760 - Quitclaim of a close called Plas y meydwy
1761 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine (after the marriage of the said John Lloyd
1762 - Bargain and Sale of a close called kay Mawr in the parish of Llanrhayader
1763 - Mortgage of a messuage in Garthgyfanedd [ Llanrwst] and closes there called
1764 - Lease for life of a messuage and tenement
1765 - Deed of exchange of a close called ffrith y Garth lloyd
1766 - Mortgage of three parcels of land called ffrith havod lachre
1767 - Gift of messuages, lands and tenements in Mathebroid, co. Denbigh
1768 - Gift of messuages, lands and tenements in Mathebroyd
1769 - Mortgage of two messuages or tenements called Tythyn Cae'r keiliog
1770 - Mortgage of 4 closes called Tythyn bach in Maethbrood
1771 - Mortgage of a messuage and tenement called Tythyn Bwlch y gwynt
1772 - Lease by way of a Mortgage for 99 years of a messuage or tenement
1773 - Assignment of a mortgage of a messuage and tenement
1774 - Gift of a messuage, tenement and lands called Tythyn pen Mologen
1775 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage, tenement and lands
1776 - Lease for 7 years and 3 months of a messuage, tenement and lands
1777 - Mortgage for 20 years of a messuage and tenement
1778 - Mortgage for 20 years of a messuage and tenement called Cae'r Keiliog
1779 - Lease for six months of a messuage and tenement
1780 - Feoffment by Robert Wynne to 2., ,by the directions of the other parties
1781 - Defeasance to an Indenture of Feoffment dated 31 August 1685
1782 - Mortgage of a messuage and tenement in the township of Mathebrood
1783 - Assignment of a Mortgage (Robert Wynne of Berth ddu)
1784-1785 - Lease and release, being a Mortgage of messuages in Mathebrwd
1786 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine of a messuage, tenement and lands
1787-1788 - Lease and release, being a mortgage of the premises mentioned in No. 1784 and 1785.
1789-1790 - Lease and release, being a Mortgage of the premises mentioned in No 1784 and 1785
1791 - Bond in £200 for the quiet possession of a fourth part of a certain messuage
1792 - Copy will of Griffith Weyman of Treweudur
1793 - Assignment of a Mortgage of the premises mentioned in No.1783
1794 - Mortgage of a messuage and tenement in the parish of Llanroost
1795 - Mortgage for 500 years of a messuage
1796 - Assignment of a Mortgage of Cae'r keiliog and other lands (as in No. 1783)
1797 - Lease by way of a Mortgage for 500 years
1798 - Assignment of a Mortgage for 500 years
1799 - Mortgage of a messuage, tenement and lands in the township of Mathebrwd
1800 - Mortgage of a messuage and tenement called Tythyn Seising
1801 - Assignment of a mortgage of a messuage called Siamber Wenn in Tybrith
1802 - Assignment of a mortgage of a messuage called Siamber Wenn
1803 - Mortgage to 2. for 100 years of closes called y ffrith and y llo in Tybrith,
1804 - Mortgage for 500 years of a messuage and tenement called Penyrallt
1805 - Assignment of the administration of the estate
1806 - Mortgage of a messuage, tenement and lands called Tu yn'r Allt
1807 - Lease for six months of a messuage, Tenement and lands called Tuthin yr Allt Bach
1808 - Gift of a messuage, tenement and lands in Tubrith Issa.
1809 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine of a messuage, tenement and lands
1810-1811 - Lease and release by way of a Mortgage of a messuage, tenement and lands in the township of Tubbrith
1812 - Bond in £40 for the performance of covenants
1813 - Quitclaim of lands and grounds lying within a tenement in Llanroost, co. Denbigh.
1814 - Draft feoffment of a messuage or tenements
1815 - Assignment of a lease for the remainder of a term of 20 years
1816 - Counterpart of No. 1815
1817-1818 - Bargain and sale of a tenement and lands called Tythyn garth y llan
1819 - Mortgage of a messuage and tenement and appurtenances in the townships of Tybrith and Mathebrood
1820 - Mortgage by Sir John Wittewronge
1821 - Lease for 6 months of a messuage and tenement
1822 - Quitclaim of a messuage and tenement in the townships of Tybrith and Mathebrwyd
1823 - Lease for 7 years of a messuage and tenement with appurtenances
1824 - Feoffment of a messuage, lands and tenements in the town of Llanrwst called kae'r Polant
1825 - Mortgage by the said Sir John Glynne, William Foxwist and Edmund Glynne
1826 - Mortgage of messuage and tenement in the said Llanrwst
1827 - Mortgage of closes in the township of Llanroost
1828 - Mortgage of a messuage and tenement in the township of Llanroost called Tythyn Madock
1829 - Counterpart of No. 1828
1830 - Mortgage by William Bird, William Foxwist and Edmund Glynn
1831 - Mortgage of three messuages and tenements in Mathebrood
1832 - Mortgage of messuages, tenements and lands in the township of Llanroost
1833 - Grant of Power of Attorney
1834-1835 - Lease and release of a messuage and tenement
1836 - Mortgage of lands called Gweirglodd pwll Mownen
1837 - Grant of an annuity of 8/8d issuing from a messuage, tenement and lands
1838 - Mortgage of a messuage and tenement in the township of Llanrwst
1839 - Counterpart of No. 1838
1840 - Lease for six months of closes in the parish of Llanroost
1841 - Lease for six months of closes in the parish of Llanroost called y kay
1842 - Mortgage in the sum of £600 of the Berth Ddu demesne
1843 - Assignment of a Mortgage dated 20 July 1685
1844 - Mortgage of a messuage in Llanrwst called Tu Grace Heaton
1845 - Bond in £200 for the performance of covenants contined in a pair of Indentures of equal date.
1846 - Release of a messuage and tenement called Tythyn pen y fron
1847 - Release of a messuage or tenement in the township of Llanroost
1848 - Quitclaim of the proviso of a deed of mortgage
1849 - Lease for a year of a messuage and tenement
1850 - Mortgage of a close called Tythyn Cae yr Graig
1851 - Mortgage of a close called Tyddyn Cae yr Graig
1852 - Counterpart of No. 1851
1853 - Bond in £200 for the payment of £100
1854 - Mortgage of a messuage or tenement in the township of Llanrwst
1855 - Lease for 6 months of the capital messuage called Berth Ddu
1856 - Deed declaring the uses of a recovery
1857 - Deed of covenant charging messuages and lands called Cae'r Graig
1858 - Lease for three lives of a toft, ruin or waste ground
1859 - Lease for 21 years of a piece of land on the north side of a bridge
1860 - Lease for 30 years of five newly erected houses
1861 - Lease for 30 years of 5 messuages or dwelling-houses
1862 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage or dwelling house
1863 - Lease for 25 years from 1st November 1791
1864 - Abstract title to common land in the parish of Llanrwst
1865 - Mortgage of a close or parcel of ground called Kay yr pandu
1866 - Gift of all the said Katherine's messuages, lands and tenements
1867 - Lease in fee farm of all the said Robert ap Ieuan
1868 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine of messuages, lands and tenements in Devant
1869 - Gift of a parcel of land in Deynant, co. Denbigh
1870 - Mortgage of a messuage or tenement in Deynant in the commote of Vchalett
1871 - Mortgage of a close or parcel of ground in Deynant called Y Henblas issa
1872 - Mortgage of a messuage and tenement in Deynant, together with a parcel of ground
1873 - Mortgage of three parcels of land called Y Cay tuhwnt ir yscubor
1874 - Mortgage of a cottage with appurtenances
1875 - Deed leading the uses of a fine upon four messuages and tenements
1876 - Bond in £1,000 for the performance of covenants contained in certain Indentures of equal date.
1877 - Assignment of a messuage or tenement called Tythyn Ucha
1878 - Bond in £400 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of Indentures of equal date
1879 - Lease in fee farm of two tenements and fulling mill
1880 - Feoffment of two messuages, two orchards, one fulling mill
1881 - Bond in £44 for the quet possession of a close called Kay yr Pandy
1882 - Final concord between Robert Lloyd, clerk, plaintif
1883 - Gift of 2. of two closes in the parish of Llansannan, co. Denbigh
1884 - Feoffment of all his messuages, lands and tenements
1885 - Feoffment of messuages, tofts, lands and tenements belonging to 1. in the township of Trebull
1886 - Counterpart of No. 1885
1887 - Bond in £40 for the quiet possession of messuages, lands and tenements
1888 - Settlement (after the marriage of 1. and Anne verch John ap Hugh)
1889 - Bond in £160 for the performance of covenants containted in an Indenture of equal date
1890 - Mortgage of a messuage and two parcels of lands called Rhyd y Sayson in Trebwll
1891 - Mortgage of one close in the township of Tre yr llan
1892-1893 - Lease and release of a messuage or tenement
1894 - Settlement (after the marriage) of 1. and Ellen verch Rees Coytmore)
1895 - Quitclaim of the capital messuage where 2. now dwells
1896 - Settlement (after the marriage of the said John ap Hugh ap Evan and Katherine
1897 - Counterpart of No. 1896
1898 - Bond in £190 for the performance of covenants
1899 - Deed to lead the uses of a recovery of a messuage, tenement and lands
1900 - Transcript of a recovery
1901 - Valuation by John Williams of Bodafon
1902 - Assignment of a Mortgage
1903 - File of papers (including receipts) relating to the Bodidris and Llanrhaiadr (co. Denbigh) estates of Sir Evan Lloyd
1904 - Gift (unexecuted) of the capital messuage and demesnes
1905 - Declaration of trusts concerning a lease for 499 years 11 months
1906 - Settlement made before the marriage of 1. and 2.
1907 - Bond in £260 for the performance of covenants contained in a lease of equal date
1908 - Copy will of Peter Edwards of Stansty, co. Denbigh, Esq.
1909 - Agreement for lease between Peter Edwards of Stansty
1910 - Map of Stansty,with particulars of area of the various fields.
1911 - Agreement for lease between Peter Edwards,Esq, and William Philips, for a small tenement in Upper Stansty.
1912 - Conditions of sale of several estates
1913 - Stansty township: particulars of tithe corn and hay
1914 - Abstract of title of Sir Thomas Mostyn, bart. and Thomas Mostyn Edwards
1915 - Abstract of the title of the late Peter Edwards, Esq
1916 - Abstract of the title of Sir Edward Pryce Lloyd
1917 - Settlement (after the marriage of Maurice Wynne and Hannah Wynne, his wife)
1918 - Cefn y Garlleg: Papers relating to a tenement called Cefn y Garlleg
1919 - Mortgage of a messuage or tenement
1920 - Final concord between William Vaughan, esq., plaintiff, and Margaret Wynne, spinster, deforeceant
1921 - Gift of two closes called Gwelettre Vchaphe and Gwelettre Issaphe
1922 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine of messuages, lands and tenement in Bodlyman
1923 - Deed declaring the uses of a fine upon a messuage or tenenement
1924 - Lease (unexecuted) for one year of messuages, tenements and lands
1925 - General livery granted by the Right Honble William
1926 - Agreement concerning the estate of Robert Salusburie
1927 - Articles of agreement in consideration of the forthcoming marriage of Cadwalader ap Robert Wyn, son and heir
1928 - Settlement (after the marriage of 1. and Dorothy, daughter of Gruffith Wynne)
1929 - Feoffment of the messuages, lands and tenements specified in No. 1928 to the uses mentioned therein
1930 - Gift of messuages, lands and tenements (unspecified) in Ruthin and Aberwhiler
1931 - Grant of the wardship of Alathea Pannton, and Eleanor Pannton
1932 - Mortgage of a messuage or tenement in Bodengharad, co. Denbigh
1933 - Revocation by Mary Salesburie of Rug, co. Merioneth
1934 - Assignment of a mortgage of a messuage or tenement
1935 - Gift of two strips (seliones) of land extending in length from the River Dee
1936 - Gift of all lands and tenements which they received by deed of gift
1937 - Bond in £40 to bide by the Award of Edward Brereton
1938 - Award indented of John ap meredith Lloyd and Llewelyn ap John ap Madoc
1939 - Quitclaim of a tenement in the township of Pris
1940 - Bond in £1,000 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of Indentures
1941 - Bond in £200 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of Indentures
1942 - Bond in £200 for the performance of covenants
1943 - Bond in £200 for the observation by John Lake of a decree of the Consistory Court
1944 - Release by John Edwards of Chirk, co. Denbigh
1945 - Bond in £16 for the performance of covenants contained in a Deed of Assignment
1946 - Bond in £20 for the quiet possessionof two acres of meadow ground
1947 - Release (being a settlement after the marriage of Thomas ap Atha
1948 - Bond in £1,600 for the indemnification by the said Piers Holland
1949 - Bond in £26 for the performance of covenants
1950 - Lease for 31 years of lands and tenements called the Lyveries
1951 - Bond in £10 for the performance of covenants
1952 - Bond in £96 for the performance of covenants
1953 - Bond in £88 for the performance of covenants
1954 - Bond in £200 for the performance of covenants
1955 - Bond in £228 for the performance of covenants
1956 - Bond in £230 for the performance of covenants
1957 - Gift of a parcel of land, meadow and pasture called Plas y meadow
1958 - Bond in £3,000 for the performance of covenants
1959 - Bond in £3,000 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of indentures
1960 - Declaration of Hugh Lloyd, clerk, rector of Llanganhafal, co. Denbigh
1961 - Order from William Hughes to William Roberts of Plas Bach
1962 - Examination and Confession of Thomas Jones of Pennant
1963 - Bond in £5 for the performance of covenants contained in a Indenture
1964 - Assignment of a Declaration of Trust for £100.
1965 - Papers relating to the sale by Sir Thomas Mostyn of Mostyn
1966 - Articles of agreement for the sale by John Phillips of Ruthin
1967 - Office copy of presentations to the perpetual curacy of Ysbyty Ifan, co. Denbigh, 1783-1850
Expand 5 - Flintshire5 - Flintshire
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