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Collapse PENRH - Penrhyn Castle PapersPENRH - Penrhyn Castle Papers
Collapse 1 - The Griffith Documents 1 - The Griffith Documents
Collapse 1 - Family papers 1 - Family papers
1-2 - Letters patent of Edward III to Robert de Dalton, of the farm of the township of Apthorpe [Apethorpe], co. Northamptonshire
3 - Grant
4 - Grant
5 - Probate of the will of Gwilym ap Gruffydd ap Tudur of Llaniestyn in Anglesey, dated Monday after the Feast of Simon and Jude [October 28], 1375.
6 - Dispensation granted by Walter Disse, Papal Nuncio in England to Sir John de Dalton and Isabel, daughter of Sir Roger de Pilkington and relict of Thomas de Iathom, of the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, legitimizing a marriage previously contracted between them. Given at London
7 - Grant
8 - Grant
9 - Letters patent of Henry IV granting a licence to John de Dalton to alienate to Roger Tomlinson of Bispham and William de Greenhirst, the annual rent of £39.19.3 for the farm of the township of Apthorpe, co. Northamptonshire, reserving to the said John and Isabel his wife the annual rent of 3d.
10 - Release
11 - Royal licence to Gwilym ap Gruffith ap Gwilym to grant to Robert ap Gruffith ap Gwilym and Thomas Chamber all his lands etc. in the township of Crewerion, Aber, Bodfaio, Bangor and Maynol Bangor, co. Caernarfon, and also all his lands and bondmen (named) in the township of Penwynllys, Bodfa, Twrgarw, Cremlyn, Cerrigwyddel, et al. in Anglesey
12 - Dispensation by Julien, Bishop of Sabina, to William Gruffith and Joan, relict of William Butler, legitimizing a marriage previously contracted between them in the dioceses of Coventry and Lichfield. Given at St Peter's, Rome
13 - Final concord in the court of the King held at Westminster, between Roger Thomlynson of Bispham and William de Grenehirst, plaintiffs and John de Dalton, "Chivaler" and Isabel his wife, regarding £39 19.0. being the rent for the farm of the township of Apthorpe, co. Northamptonshire.
14 - Probate of the will of Gwilym ap Gruffydd of Penmynydd, dated Saturday, on the Feast of St. Scholastica {February 10] 1430.
15-16 - Writ for a further inquisitio post mortem (original and postmortem)or a quo plura to Thomas Norreys, escheator, concerning the possessions of William ap Griffith, first Chamberlain
17-18 - Letters patent (original and translation) of Henry VI granting to John Stanley, Roland Stanley and Joan, wife of William ap Griffith ap Gwilym, deceased, the wardship of all the lands held by the said William at the time of his death, and which came to the hands of the Crown by reason of the minority of William ap William, son and heir of the aforesaid William; said Stanleys and Joan to have the said wardship until the said William ap William attains his majority. Sureties : Thomas Norreys, Hugh Huls, JOhn Pylomere, Ievan ap David ap Gronw and William Halley
19 - General pardon by King Henry VI to Joan, wife of John Pykemore and late the wife of William ap Griffith of Penmynydd, Esq. alias Joan Stanley, widow
20-22 - Licence (original, copy and translation) by King Henry VI to John Pickmere and Joan his wife (widow of Gwilym ap Griffith ap Gwilym of Penrhyn) to build a turret and battlement in their manor at Penrhyn in the township of Crewerion Fine : 3s 4d
23 - Royal licence by King Henry VI to Joan, former wife of John Pykemere, and late the wife of Gwilym ap Gruffydd ap Gwilym, to make a feoffment in fee to Thomas Bysby, chaplain, and Robert Wrono, of lands, rents, piscaries and bondmen in the township of Trevorion, Dinsylwy, Brenin, Llansadwrn, Porthaethwy and elsewhere in Anglesey; the said Bysby and Wrono to reinfeoff her for term of her life and the remainder to William Griffith her son, and to the heirs male of his body
24 - Grant in trust for uses
25-26 - Letter of attorney
27 - Refeoffment
28 - Letter of attorney
29 - Letter of attorney
30 - Grant and confirmation
31 - Grant and confirmation
32 - Acquittance by Meredith ap Rees ap Ievan Lloyd and Robert ap Ievan, farmers of all reliefs and amobrau appurtenant thereto in the county of Caernarvon, which were not presented before the Sheriff in his Great Turns according to ancient custom, and which were not cancelled by the King some time before Michaelmas last, to William Griffith Esq., and Joan, late wife of William ap Griffith, for the sum of £20 received from them in payment for all reliefs etc. arising out of their lands and tenements in Caernarfonshire
33 - Rental of the manor of Bispham, co. Lancaster
34-37 - Letters patent (original and copy) of Henry VI to William Griffith of Penrhyn and his mother Joan, intimating that for a fine of 20 pence, they were pardoned for not appearing at the Caernarvon Great Sessions to plead for certain priviledges, to wit, to hold a Court Baron in Gavell Grono ap Ednyfed, to brew and bake "extra mercat' and feriam", and to set up a pillory and stocks. The letters were signed by the Deputy Justice of North Wales.
38-39 - Letter of administration by Richard Gyffyn [Kyffin], Dean of Bangor, to William Griffith, junior, Esq., granting him charge of the goods, chattels and debts of William Griffith, senior, Esq., of the parish of Llanedwyn [Llanedwen] who died intestate.
40-41 - Release in trust (copy and translation) to Richard Bulkeley and two other gentlemen, for the use and behoof of William Griffith, Eqs., [the second] and his heirs by his wife Joan [daughter of Sir William Troutback]; in default, to Sir William's sister, Joan, wife of Thomas Salisbury of Llyweni; in default, to Elizabeth, late wife of John Grey, and Elen, wife of William Bulkeley of Beaumaris
42-43 - Royal licence (original and copy) by King Richard III to Richard Bulkeley, Thomas Ireland and John Reve, to grant to William Griffith, Esq., the manor of Penrhyn, 200 messuages, 4 tofts, 2 mills, 40 gardens, 2,000 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow, 3,000 acres pasture, 1.000 acres wood, 200 acres heath, 200 acres moorland, 100 acres marsh and 100 shillings rent in Crewerion, Caernarvon, Bodfaio, Bangor, Maynol Bangor, Llanfair, Penrhyn, Trewarth, Botandrek, Llannerchenestrik, Elernion, Dinlle, Glyn, Llanwnda, Clynnog, Pentir, Dinorwic, Trewyrythion, and elsewhere in the co. of Caernarvon
44 - Recovery suffered in the Sessions of Caernarvonshire by Sir William Griffith the elder to Richard Bulkeley, Thomas Ireland and John Reve, clerk, of 200 messuages, 4 tofts, 2 mills, 40 gardens, 2,000 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow, 3,000 acres of pasture, 1,000 acres of wood, 200 acres of heath, 200 acres of moor, 100 acres of marshland, and 100 shillings of rent in the township of Crewerion, Caernarvon, Bodfaio, Bangor, Llanfair, Penrhyn, Trefwarth, Llanerghenestrik, Llanfair, Bowrevallen, Elernion, Dinlle, Glyn, Llanwnda, Clynnog, Pentir, Dinorwig, Dynhwyd, Trefgwyrythion and Cumlaindergh which the said Sir William entailed to William Griffith, Esq., his son and the heirs male of his body
45 - Release
46 - Attornment
47 - Deed setting forth that whereas William Ffrodsham of Elton and Thomas Hough, Esq., at the special desire and request of Sir William Troutbeck, Kt., delivered and confirmed to Margaret, late wife of the said Sir William, for the term of her life, their manors of Brynstaff, Great Trafford with Hoole, Stony Dunham, Budworth in the Frith and Raby, with all messuages, lands, tenements, rents etc., appurtenant thereto, in the county of Chester; and also a messuage called Wastens Hall in Elton, with the demesne lands belonging thereto; also six messuages with all lands appurtenant thereto in Elton; so that after the decease of the said Margaret the aforesaid manors, and lands should remain to the right heir of the said Sir William Troutbeck - the intent of the said Troutbeck and Ffrodsham at the time of the said delivery was that William Griffith, Esq., should have the reversion of all the said lands after the death of the said Margaret, the said Troutbeck and Ffrodsham accepting the said Griffith as the next heir of the said Troutbeck
48 - Warrant of the appointment of Sir William Griffith and John Salter as joint Justciars of the principality of North Wales at a salary "coniunctim" of £33.6.8.; definition of duties; to hold offices at pleasure from Michaelmas last past
49 - Marriage settlement of JOhn Phillips of Picton Castle, co. Pembroke, and Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Griffith of Penrhyn
50 - Award of arbitration in the form of an indenture between Jane, widow of Edward Griffith, elder brother of [Sir] Rees Griffith, and R.G. Jane's dower lands to be exactly assigned to two referees, Edmund Lloyd and Roland Griffith; besides, her three daughters, Jane, Katherine and Ellen, are to received £50 yearly from lands not in dower. The chief support of Jane in her case and contention was her father, Sir John Puleston of Bersham. The name "Rees" is omitted before "Griffith" in the third line of the document.
51-52 - Articles of marriage between Piers [Peter] Mutton, Serjeant of Arms and Margaret, sister of Sir Rees Griffith; arrangements for jointure
53 - Bond of obligation by Piers Mutton for 1,000 marks
54-57 - Documents relating to the foeffment of the Penrhyn lands
58-61 - Papers relating to the intended marriage of Sir Rees Griffith og Penrhyn with Jane vch David ap William, widow
62 - Will of Sir Rees Griffith of Penrhyn
63 - Attested copy of the last will and testament of William Wynn ap William [of Cochwillan], son and heir of William ap William
64 - Citation by William Roberts, Archdeacon of Merioneth, against Jane Puleston, gentlewoman, summoning her to appear before him at Bangor Cathedral on November 28th following to examine certain articles submitted on behalf of one Agnes vch William alias Griffith, respecting the validity of a marriage contracted between the said Agnes and Edward Griffith [of Penrhyn ob. 1540]
65-66 - Exemplification of a final concord in the Great Sessions of Caernarfonshire(with copy and translation)between Richard Mostyn, Esq., William Mostyn, Esq., Edward Griffith Cornwy and William ap Richard ap Gruffith, gent., plaintiffs, and Sir Rice Griffith, Kt., regarding the Manor of Penrhyn, 200 messuages, etc., 2,000 acres of land, 500 acres meadow, 3,000 acres pasture, 1,000 acers of woods, 100 acres of marsh, 200 acres furze and heath and 100 shillings rent in Cororion, Bangor, Maynol Bangor, Pentir, Gwredog, Tregwyrythion and Bodfaio, together with piscaries in the River Ogwen and in the sea near the Menai
67 - Will and testament of Sir Rees Griffith of Penrhyn
68 - Exemplification relating to controversy about seats in Llandegai church before the Court of the Council of the Marches of Wales between Sir Rees Griffith, plaintiff, and William Griffith ap Llywelyn ap Grono with his son John ap William, defendants, the latter being particularly accused of entering the Penrhyn seat, spitting, scoffing at the gentlewomen, and throwing their gloves spitefully after them
69-71 - Documents relating to a dispute between Edward Griffith of Bangor, plaintiff and Sir Rees Griffith, deft.
72-73 - Presentations of Arthur William, M.A., younger brother of William Williams of Cochwillan, to the prebend of Fenton in the Cathedral Church of York Seal attached
74 - Last will and testament of Sir Rees Griffith of Penrhyn.
75 - Claim [succesful] before the Court of Wards (Easter Term) by Henry Ward that his father had properly redeemed a mortgage made by him of lands in Tillington, co. Stafford, and for the recovery of £47 4.9. which had been paid by mistake to the mortgagees' family.
76 - Quietus est for £30 5.2. received by the Receiver-General of the Court of Wards and Liveries for the lands of Sir Rees Griffith, deceased, on behalf of his son Piers, a ward of the Queen until he came of age at the end of September 1589.
77 - Release
78-82 - Papers arising from the minority of Piers Griffith
83-84 - Order and decree of the Court of Wards and Liveries that the lands of Sir Rees Griffith, deceased, were held of Her Majesty by mesne tenure and not by tenure-in -chief, and that during the minority of Piers, his son and heir, the latter had been overcharged in a large sum of money. £66 14.4. is ordered to be returned to him by the Receiver-General of the Court following the petition of Piers G. and the statements of his counsel. Reference to inquisitio post mortem held at Conway, 7 October 1580, when a thorough examnation was made into the ladns, issues and profits of the Penrhyn estate Original and copy
85 - Last will and testament of Thomas Williams [of Vaenol], alias Thomas Wynn ap William
86 - Mortgage
87 - Lease
88 - Commission under the seal of the Court of the Admiralty, by Charles, Lord Effingham, Lord High Admiral of England, to the Mayor of Caernarvon; George Owen, Deputy Vice Admiral of South Wales; William Griffith, Ralph Smith, John Smith and David Arrowsmith, to make an inventory of, and appraise, the cargo (olive oil, earthenware and silk) of the Spanish ship called the Speranza or "The Rope" of Aymounte in Spain, lately seized by Piers Griffith [Porseus], captain of the man of war called The Grace, and taken to Cegin Creek near the port of Caernarvon. The said Piers Griffith and his crew to be granted their due share of the cargo so seized.
89 - Deed to levy the uses of a fine upon the lands of Piers Griffith in Cororion and Bodvayo at the next Great Sessions in Caernarvonshire for the use and behoof of Piers Griffith. Margaret, his wife, daughter of Sir Thomas Mostyn was a party, her brother Roger and several yeomen of Cororion.
90-92 - Bond of obligation in £200 by David Morgan, rector of Llanddeiniolen, and Richard Rowlands of Llanwnda to Piers Griffith of Penrhyn to observe faithfully the terms of a pair of indentures of equal date.
93 - Provisions of the marriage settlement of William, brother of Piers Griffith of Penrhyn and Jane Lloyd alias Owen, widow, late wife of David Lloyd of Forest, co. Carmarthen
94-99 - Papers relating to medical advice and prescriptions supplied to Piers Griffith by an Osmund Oliver (although some of the papers are in another hand)
100 - Settlement of Piers Griffith on his wife [Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Mostyn]
101 - Exemplification of a decree of the Court of Chancery (14 April 1627) bearing on an action between Henry Needham, Esq. and William Needham, gent., plaintiffs, and William Griffith and Edward Egerton, Esq., defendants, touching two "statutes" one of £2,000 and the other of £6,000 and also a rent charge of 20s pretended to be granted to the said William Griffith for his life after the death of one William Williams.
Expand 2 - The troubles of Piers Griffith  2 - The troubles of Piers Griffith
Expand 3 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Cororion 3 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Cororion
Expand 4 - Arllechwedd Uchaf :  Bodfeio4 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Bodfeio
Expand 5 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Dwygyfylchi5 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Dwygyfylchi
Expand 6 - Arllechwedd Isaf and Creuddyn 6 - Arllechwedd Isaf and Creuddyn
Expand 7 - Other Caernarvonshire townships (including the town of Caernarfon) 7 - Other Caernarvonshire townships (including the town of Caernarfon)
Expand 8 - Bangor, Maenol Bangor, Tregwyrryddion 8 - Bangor, Maenol Bangor, Tregwyrryddion
Expand 9 - Anglesey 9 - Anglesey
Expand 10 - Various  10 - Various
Expand 2 - The Williams Family 2 - The Williams Family
Expand 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants
Expand 4 - The Jamaica Estates 4 - The Jamaica Estates
Expand 5 - Estate Administration 5 - Estate Administration
Expand 6 - Quay and quarries 6 - Quay and quarries
Expand 7 - Addenda  7 - Addenda
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