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Collapse PENRH - Penrhyn Castle PapersPENRH - Penrhyn Castle Papers
Collapse 1 - The Griffith Documents 1 - The Griffith Documents
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Collapse 2 - The troubles of Piers Griffith  2 - The troubles of Piers Griffith
102 - Mortgage upon lands in Maenol Bangor and Gwyrhyddion which were the subject of actions between Piers Griffith and Hugh Hookes of Conwy, Rowland ap William Johns and others
103 - Mortgage upon Coed y Parc in Cororion
104 - Indenture by which Thomas Myddelton covenants and agrees with Piers Griffith that if the latter, before the feast of St. Michael next ensuing, shall find two sufficient sureties and also satisfactoy to Ffulk, Thomas Myddelton's brother, for a debt of £800, proceedings under the statute made and provided for the recovery of debts will be stayed.
105-107 - Mortgage to Jane Price of Vaenor, co. Montgomery and two others of certain lands in Bangor and Maenol Bangor which once belonged to Piers Griffith of Penrhyn. Consideration : £100
108 - Conveyance by Piers Griffith of Cilgeraint in Cororion to Piers Mostyn of Talacre and three other gentlemen as part indemnity to them for acting as sureties to him in a deed of mortgage to Thomas Myddelton for a consideration of £800, that a deed being dated 12 August 1600
109 - Draft of deed whose main purpose was to defray the debts of Piers Griffith. A David Clidro is among the witnesses (provisional)
110 - Deed from Sir John Conway and others to Piers Griffith expressing the use of an indenture dated 18 September 1596. On examining the text it is 18 August not 18 September
111 - Deed of agreement by four gentlemen, including Richard Bulkeley of Porthamel and Robert Sherman, Chancellor of Bangor Cathedral, to surrender to Piers Griffith of Penrhyn certain property which they held in trust for him
112 - Indenture declaring the uses of a fine to be levied by Piers Griffith of Penrhyn and William ap John ap William of Caernarvon upon certain messuages in Bangor and Maenol Bangor to the use and behoof of Sir John Conway of Bodrhyddan and other gentlemen, including Piers Griffith's brother, William, Robert Griffith of Aber Elyrch and Robert Sherman, Chancellor of Bangor Cathedral
113-114 - Deed of mortgage by piers Griffith of Penrhyn (alias Peter Gruffith) to Robert and William Bateman of London, upon Coed Howel Isa and Gweirglodd Newydd in Cororion Consideration : £300 Term of redemption : 1 October 1611 at the house of Hugh Myddelton in Westcheap, London
115 - Bond by Piers Griffith to pay Robert and William Bateman the sum of £330 on 1 October 1611 as per indenture of 5 August last
116 - Mortgage upon the messuage called James Mason's tenement in Cororion (now in the holding of Harry ap Owen), also upon one close or orchard in Bangor, late in the tenure of Edward ap Robert alias Glover, but now held by Thomas Snape
117 - Power of attorney accorded by the Batemans to Thomas Price of Plas Iolyn, co. Denbigh, William Griffith of Bodsilin in co. Caernarvon, and Richard Griffith of Aber Cegin in the same county, to enter and take possession of all those lands and tenemets mentioned in a pair of indentures drawn up between Piers Griffith and the two Batemans on 29 February last (Maes Cariadog, Dolawen, Moelyci)
118 - Surrender and quitclaim by Piers Griffith [signs as Perys] to Robert Bateman of London, skinner, and William Bateman, grocer, of all right, claim, interest and equity of redemption to Coed Howel Isa, Gweirglodd Newydd, Maes Cariadog, Dolawen and Moelyci in Cororion. Coed Howel and Gweirglodd were to be redeemed for £330, the Maes Cariadoc group for £400
119-120 - Defeasance by Piers Griffith : Document and counterpart acknowledging a debt of £800 to Hugh Myddelton and a bond to pay £400 on 1 March next ensuing
121-124 - Mortgage by Piers Griffith to the two Batemans upon Maes Cariadog, Dolawen, Moelyci, Coed Howell Isa and Gweirglodd Newydd all in Cororion Consideration : £750
125 - Indenture by which Piers Griffith enters into a bond with Sir John Egerton of Cheshire to allow at lease £20 a year to issue out of certain of his lands to satisfy the terms of a bond in £600 [to cover £300] which was recorded before Sir Edward Coke [Cooke], Chief Justice of the Common Pleas
126 - Conveyance to the Batemans by Piers Griffith for a consideration of £220 of various messuages in Cororion, such as the Cororion tenement itself and others which are described only by the names of their tenants.
127-129 - Bond and counterpart by Piers Griffith to Hugh Myddelton, goldsmith of the city of London, to pay £30 before 23 April next ensuing; citation of mortgages and bonds bearing the dates 29 December 1612 and 1 February, 26 February 1612/3, to the two Batemans and Myddelton. A further bond of 21 Augsut 1613 to pay £50 with rateable interest on 24 August 1614
130 - Deed of mortgage by Piers Griffith to Henry [Rowlands], Lord Bishop of Bangor, upon Moelyci, Bodfeurig and other tenements, all in Cororion for a consideration of £410 Term of redemption : Feast of St Andrew 1616
131 - Deed of mortgage by Piers Griffith to Foulke Lloyd of Brynlluarth, co. Denbigh upon Cae Hervye and Maes Cariadog in Cororion. Consideration : £220 Trem of redemption : Feast of St. Michael 1616 Money to be paid within the Cathedral Church of Bangor
132 - Deed of mortgage by Piers Griffith of Penrhyn to Henry Pierce [Piers] of Dublin upon the messuages of Tyddyn Llwydyn (tenure of John Moythey, John Martin, vicar of Bangor, and their partners at £10 a year), Tyddyn Nant Wreiddiog, Tyddyn Griffith Vaughan and Tyddyn Roger David ap John, lying in Tregwyryddion and Cororion Consideration : £160 Conditions of redemption, payment to H.P. of £208 on 14 August 1619 at the parish church of Nannerch, co. Flint
133 - Indenture by which Piers Griffith disposes to Evan Lloyd of Yale, co. Denbigh for a consideration of £9,000, the manor of Penrhyn and its appurtenances (with special mention of Felin Slattas "neare to the Churche of Llandegay"), with certain exceptions carefully detailed, e.g. lands now or late in the tenure of William Williams of Cochwillan, Simon Williams of Wig, William Coetmor of Coetmor, and William Griffith of Bangor "alias William Griffith of Pen y Bryn or Pen yr Allt".
134 - Copy of a decree in the Court of Chancery in a case depending between Sir Thomas Mostyn, palintiff, Piers Griffith and Hugh Myddelton, defendants; Piers Griffith brought to Court in charge of the warden of the Fleet [prison]; difficulties over payment of his daughters' portions, seeing that most of his lands were either sold or were under mortgage; ordered to perform his accredited agrements ot pay them
135 - Indenture tripartite by which the two Batemands and the two Myddeltons [Hugh and William], having obtained securities for the payment of £3,565 from Evan Lloyd of Yale [Bodidris], bargain and sale to him the manor and capital messuage of Penrhyn, with appurtenances; exceptions specified, including Gored Gyt
136 - Bond by Evan Lloyd of Yale [Bodidris] and Sir Ricahrd Trevor of Trefalun to pay £3,565 to Hugh Myddelton, citizen and goldsmith of London, upon the feast of St. John the Baptist 1618
137-138 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine upon Penrhyn and its lands from Piers Griffith to Evan Lloyd of Yale and Sir Richard Trevor. The praecipe has also been preserved
139 - Indenture between William Griffith of Penrhyn [brother of Piers] and Jane his wife [first part], Evan Lloyd of Yale [second] and Sir Richard Trevor of Trefalun [third]; bargain and sale of William Griffith's interests at Penrhyn to Evan Lloyd for a consideration of £500
140-141 - Indenture by which Jane Price of Gwersyllt, co. Denbigh, widow, conveys to William Sutton of Gresford, John Phillips of Merfordd, co. Flint and Laurence Gibbon of Gresford, all those lands of Piers Griffith of Penrhyn once occupied by Richard ap William Thomas, Dr. Owen Glynn, Arthur Martin and others; consideration, £220
142 - Deed of mortgage by William Sutton of Gresford and John Philips of Merford to Margaret Williams of Wrexham upon those lands in Bangor and MAenol Bangor which were once owned by Piers Griffith of Penrhyn, and which later came into the hands of Jane Price, widow, of Vaenor in Montgomer and Gwersyllt, co. Denbigh
143 - Creation of a new trust in the Penrhyn lands in which the parties on one side are Evan Lloyd of Bodidris and Sir Richard Trevor, on the other side one Hanmer, two Trevors and John Griffith the younger of Cefn Amwlch [who like Evan Lloyd had married a daughter of Sir Richard Trevor]
144-146 - Assignment by Ambrose Thelwell of London of all right and interest in certain financial transactions to which [Sir] Hugh Myddelton, goldsmith, and Sir Richard Trevor of Trefalun were parties and which concerned the debts of Piers Griffith - to John Sheward and William Boswell of Westminster
147 - Power of attorney delivered by Piers Griffith's mortgagees [Hugh Myddelton and Robert Bateman] to John Sheward and William Boswell to "bring commence sue and prosecute" upon the recognisances entered into by Piers Griffith to observe certain indentures of mortgage and debt. Piers Griffith is here referred to as "late of Penrhyn"
148-149 - Indenture tripartite of conveyance by Evan Lloyd of Yale [Bodidris] and Sir Richard Trevor of Trefalun to Ellis Wynn of London and Richard Owen of Westminster, in trust for Lord Keeper John Williams, of the manor and capital messuage of Penrhyn with all appurtenant tenements, for a consideration of £8,000
150 - Surrender and quitclaim by Lancelot Gibbon of Gresford, co. Denbigh, yeoman, of all his right and interest in the Manor of Penrhyn and its appurtenances which he had by grant and demise of Evan Lloyd of Yale; surrender made to three gentlemen, viz., Elis Wyn and Richard Owen of London, together with Humphrey Jones of Craflwyn near Beddgelert, [Craveloon in the document]
151 - Surrender by John Griffith, son and heir of Robert ap John Griffith, late of Hafod y Wern, co. Caernarvon, and Elen verch Morgan, late wife of Robert ap John Griffith, of all claim and interest in Coed Howel Isa in Cororion unto trustees [named by Lord Keeper, John Williams]; consideration £120; lawful attorneys for the seisin, Robert Coytmore of Coetmor and William Griffith of Ty Gwyn, co. Caernarvon
152 - Indenture by which Lord Keeper John Williams pays, through the intermediaries Ellis Wynn and Richard Owen, an additional £1,000 for Penrhyn and its appurtenances.
153-158 - Papers relating to the benefactions of Lord Keeper John Williams to St. John's College, Cambridge: copy of the indenture of 24 March, 1623, by which several landed interests were granted and confirmed to the Master and Fellows, and also a number of advowsons including that of the rectory of St. Florence in co.Pembroke and that of Aberdaron in Caernarvonshire; a careful and scholarly analysis (by a Dr. Turner) of these gifts, and a very interseting account of the of the Lord Keeper's connection with the Library of the College; two copies of letters (Aug. 1858) from the Secretary of the Cambridge University Commission to the Master of St.John's and the Dean of Westminster; also two letters of 1876.
159 - Indenture by which Lord Keeper John Williams assigns the manor house or capital messuage of Penrhyn and other tenements [with tenants particularly specified] which had been purchased by the money of the Lord Keeper "and by his appoyntment", in trust to three gentlemen named.
160 - Indenture by which William Robinson of Gwersyllt, for a consideration of £272 (paid by Owen Wynn of Gwydir and Humphrey Jones of Penrhyn, on behalf of Dr. John [Williams], Lord Bishop of Lincoln) conveys his messuages and lands in Gwyryddion and Maenol Bangor to O.W. and N.J. in trust.
161 - Indenture between William Robinson of Gwersyllt, co.Denbigh, and four gentlemen [mortgagees of the lands of Piers Griffith]; surrender to them by W.R. of a lease for three lives he had secured from Piers on the messuage of Cil Nelyn in Maenol Bangor (24 November 1598)
Expand 3 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Cororion 3 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Cororion
Expand 4 - Arllechwedd Uchaf :  Bodfeio4 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Bodfeio
Expand 5 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Dwygyfylchi5 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Dwygyfylchi
Expand 6 - Arllechwedd Isaf and Creuddyn 6 - Arllechwedd Isaf and Creuddyn
Expand 7 - Other Caernarvonshire townships (including the town of Caernarfon) 7 - Other Caernarvonshire townships (including the town of Caernarfon)
Expand 8 - Bangor, Maenol Bangor, Tregwyrryddion 8 - Bangor, Maenol Bangor, Tregwyrryddion
Expand 9 - Anglesey 9 - Anglesey
Expand 10 - Various  10 - Various
Expand 2 - The Williams Family 2 - The Williams Family
Expand 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants
Expand 4 - The Jamaica Estates 4 - The Jamaica Estates
Expand 5 - Estate Administration 5 - Estate Administration
Expand 6 - Quay and quarries 6 - Quay and quarries
Expand 7 - Addenda  7 - Addenda
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