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Collapse 1 - The Griffith Documents 1 - The Griffith Documents
Expand 1 - Family papers 1 - Family papers
Expand 2 - The troubles of Piers Griffith  2 - The troubles of Piers Griffith
Collapse 3 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Cororion 3 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Cororion
162 - Mortgage by Ievan ap Cynwrig, free tenant of the township of Crevoryon, commote of Arllechwedd Uchaf, to Madoc ap Cadwalador of the same township, of his share in the two fisheries of Uchaf and Wlêh; term, 4 years, renewable; annual rent, 26s.8d.; also of the moiety of the share of Gwenllian verch Phillip ap Tegwared in the four fisheries of Cegin, Newyddm Wlêb and Nessaph; term, the same; rent, 20s.
163-164 - Grant and confirmation by Tangwyst verch Ievan ap Bignion ap Llywarch, free tenant of he township of Chlwepion in the commote of (Arllechwedd) Uchaf, to William ap Griffith ap Gwilym and Joan his wife, of all lands and tenements, etc. which descended to her by right of inheritance in the township aforesaid on the part of her father Iovan and on the part of Ievan ap Bleddyn Llwyd and his brother.
165 - Grant and confirmation by William ap David ap Gruffith Vaughan, free tenant of the township of Crewerion and Maynolpadric, to Willym ap Gruffith ap William, of all his lands and tenements, rents and issues, villeins and nativi, which belonged to his grandfather Gruffith Vaughan, and to his father David in the township Crewerion and elsewhere in the commote of [Arllechwedd] Uchaf
166 - Royal licence to William ap Gruffith ap Gwilym and Joan his wife, to purchase from Ievan ap Cynwric ap Iorwerth ap Howel, free tenant of the township of Crewerion, commote of Uchaf, 7 messuages, 37 acres of land, and the moiety appurtenant to Gavel Meibion Howel, of 2 mills, and 4 fisheries, in the said township; from Gwenhwyfar and Gwenllian, daughters of Gwerfil verch Griffith ap Cynwric ap Howel, free tenants of the same township - 2 messuages, 14 acres of land and the sixth part, appurtenant to the aforesaid gavel, of the said mills and fisheries; from Gwilym ap Ievan ap Griffith ap Iorweth ap Llewelyn, free tenant of Creweryon - 3 messuages called Cefncoed, Pantllyn and Bedw'r Grug, 12 acres of land and the twelvth part, appurtenant to Gavel Iorwerth ap Llewelyn, of the said mills and fisheries; from Angharad and Efa, daughters of David ap Gwenllian verch Angharad verch Tegwared, free tenants of Crewerion - 4 messuages, 20 acres of land and the twelvth part of one Gavel called Gavel Ryffri, in the same township; from Howel ap Gruffydd ap David, free tenant of the township of Bodfaio, of 1 messuage called Carreg Aeth, 9 acres of land, and the 20th part of a mill and fishery in Bodfaio; and from Cynwrig and Llewelyn, free tenant of Heneglwys - 4 acres of turbary called Cors Bodwrog
167-168 - Royal licence to William ap Gruffith of Penmynydd and Joan his wife, to purchase from Gruffith ap Dicws ap Ievan ap Gruffith and Ievan his brother, the 6th part of two messuages called Bedwrkryt in Llandegai; one bovate of arable land together with mountain land and pasture and a part of a mill and weir in the township of Creworion, commote of Uchaf; one messuage called Caemawr and one and a half bovates of arable land called Erw'r Waun, late the property of Trahaiarn Gynnydd in the township of Dinorwig, Isgwyrfai, from Dicws ap Ievan Goch ap Madoc ap Rathro, Dicws Goch ap Madoc ap Rathro, Owain ap Madoc ap Rathro, Dicws Ddu ap Madoc ap Rathro, Nest verch Gruffith ap Ievan ap Trahaiarn, and Tangwystl verch Ievan ap Llewelyn ap Robyn ap Madoc ap Rathro.
169 - Deed witnessing that Nicholas Bolneshull, escheator of co. Caernarvon, has discharged of all claims which the Crown might have upon them, divers lands in the township of Crewerion (1 messuage, 4 acres of land, 2 acres of moor and the 40th part of a mill), which were found upon inquisition to belong to Gwilym ap Gruffith and Joan his wife.
170-171 - Grant and confirmation by William ap David, Gruffith ap David, Rhys ap David, and Madoc ap David, sons and heirs of David ap Gruffith ap David ap Gruffith, free tenants of the township of Creweryon, to Joan, late wife of Willym ap Gruffith ap Willym, of all their lands and tenements, pasture, meadow, mills, weirs and fishings in Dyffrynmymb' and within the township of Creweryon which descended to them by right of inheritance from David ap Gruffith their father; to be held in perpetuity of the chief lord of the fee.
172-173 - Indenture of lease, with copy, by Sir William Griffith [third] to Harri ap Einion ap Ieuan Goch upon the tenement of Aber Cegin with the weir called Gored Cegin, also the weir called Gored Wleb ["llede"], with a little close for building a fish-house.
174 - Record of a licence granted at the Sessions of Caernarvonshire to Edward Griffith, esq., to buld a water corn mill upon his lands at Creworion
175-177 - A demise in fee-farm by [Sir] Rees Griffith, Williem Coytmore, and David Moythey, clericus, [feofees in trust to Sir Rees] to David ap Thomas ap Hoell, burgess of Beaumaris, upon Tyddyn Mawr and Cae Cegin [Kegyn], both in Maenol Bangor, also two mills upon the brook of Cegin, also two parcels of land, one called Gweirglodd Mawr "lying betweene the concourse of water of the Byshops mylne and the brook [broke] of Keygyn". Accompanying these is permission to raise slates in all places and quarells [not quarries as in copy] in the township of Cororion, paying to Sir Rees and his heirs all rialties [royalties] of old times use; power to utilise the void grounds by the two brooks, Ogwen and Cegin "for the sale of slatys and for other comodities" and power to take timber for all reparations; only David ap Thomas to buy slates from all "sellers" thereof in the township. Annual rent, £12.
178 - Indenture between Rees Griffith, esq., free tenant of the township of Cororion in the commote of Uchaf and Tudur ap Grono ap Rees: fee farm lease of all his messuages, tofts, lands and tenements called Kelly yr Manach, Dole y Cappell, Coid Gwredok, Havod y Werd, Bulch yr otyne (olyne) and Kum Buchan lying in the township of Cororion; and all other messuages and lands called Kay Gwilym and Kay y Wern Vidder lying in the township of Bodvaiowe. Rent, 40s. p.a.
179 - Deed of lease by Sir Rees Griffith to "mystres Jane Gruff. gentilwoman late wyff to Mr Edward Gryff." [his brother who died in 1540] upon a tokt or "myrthyn" called Tyddyn y Vach Boeth lying (on the one side) between Afon Cegin and the highway that leadeth from Coed Howell to the church of Saint Kedol [i.e., Pentir], and (on the other) between Gwern Fadyn Dorch [Dwrch in another doct.] and the brook that leadeth to Felin Hen Term : 16 years, at 6/8 a year.
180-181 - Demise in fee-farm by Sir Rees Griffith [Richardus in the text, not Riceus] to William ap Rolant ap Gwilym of the tenements of Cefn y Coed, Pant y Llyn, and Tyddyn Madyn Dwrch in Cororion Annual rent, 10/- sterling.
182 - Lease by Sir Rees Gruffith to Thomas ap David ap Meredith of his lands called y Fach Boeth with a toft belonging to the same, which lands the said Sir Rees has lately leased to Mistress Gruffith, late wife of Edward Gruffith, esq. [his brother] for the term of 16 years, whose release the said Thomas ap David has; also of lands called Bryn y Felin Hen lying between the brook called Afon y Felin Hen and the meers of William ap Thomas ap Gwilym's lands on the one side, and between the highway leading towards Llandegai and the brook called Afon Cegin on the other side, in the township of Cororion, commote of Arllechwedd Uchaf Term, 21 years; annual rent , 10/-.
183 - Catalogue of feoffments - leases, fee-farms - in the time of Sir Rees Griffith, but no exact date is given.
184 - Deed of lease by Edmund Meyrick, archdeacon of Bangor and "proprietary" of the parish church of Llandegai, to Sir Rees Griffith of Penrhyn, upon the tithes, oblations, etc., of that parsonage and parish Conditions : Four years at £10 a year, to be paid in two equal portions "at and upon the font stone within the said church".
185 - List of feoffments, including ordinary leases and fee-farms in the period of Sir Rees Griffith.
186 - Release by William ap Griffith ap Llywelyn ap Grono of the two closes in Cororion - Bryn y Garth and Bryn y Felin - to his son John ap W., Margaret vch David Lloyd his wife, and their heirs for ever
187 - Release and quit-claim by Jane vch David ap William, widow, to Sir Rees Griffith, of all title and claim to certain lands in co. Caernarvon [not specified, but probably in Cororion] which R.G. had demised or granted to her.
188-191 - Documents relating to controversy over fishing in the Menai Straits
192 - Account of leases, some expired, and most unexpired, and fee-farms, upon Penrhyn messuages and closes in Cororion, Bangor, Maenol Bangor, and Dwygyfylchi.
193-196 - Evidence of witnesses in the tithe case between Edmund Meyrick, archdeacon of Bangor and parson of Llandegai (complainant), and Sir Rees Griffith of Penrhyn (defendant), at the Consistory Court of Bangor. The case turned on whether the tithes issuing from the weirs of Gored Cegin and others were to be paid in kind or in certain customary sums of money. The witnesses were John Thomas, clericus, [probably an old curate at Llandegai]; David Moythey, one of the canons of Bangor; William ap Harry Cowler, 70 years of age; Ieuan ap Einion (84) and Edmund ap Jankyn (88).
197 - Particulars of land held in the township of Cororion, more especially by Thomas Wynn ap William, who was no other than the [first] Thomas Williams of Vaynol, brother of William Williams of Cochwillan [third] and of Robert Wynn [ap William] of Conway.
198 - Deed of mortgage by Robert ap William Vaughan and Margaret vch Robert ap W.V., of the township of Tref Bachied, to William Griffith, son of Sir Rees Griffith, upon the tenement of Tyddyn y Wern alias Tyddyn Einion Goch, late in the occupation of Dr Rowland Thomas [Dean of Bangor, died early in 1587], the adjacent meadow of Weirglodd Gron, lately in the tenure of Thomas ap Richard ap William, and two parcels of land lying between the highway (east) and the lands of William ap Thomas ap William (west) - most probably the first Sir William Williams of Vaenol
199 - Deed of lease by Robert ap Hugh of Cororion, mason, and Margaret his wife, to Robert Sherman, parson of Trawsfynydd, upon Bryn y Garth, Bryn y Felin and Gweirglodd Bryn y Felin, all lying in Cororion, between Afon y Felin and the highway that led from Llandegai to Caernarvon; 60 years at sixpence a year.
200 - Release by Robert ap Hugh of Cororion and Margaret vch David Lloyd his wife to Rees Griffith, gent. of the two closes of Bryn y Garth and Bryn y Felin in Cororion, lying between Afon y Felin and the highway leading from the parish church of Llandegai to the town of Caernarvon.
201 - Bond of obligation in £500 by William Williams of Vaenol to Piers Griffith of Penrhyn, to observe an indenture of even date, by which certain messuages which were released by the late Sir Rees Griffith [father of P.G.] to W.W. and William Roberts, late Archdeacon of Bangor, were now restored to P.G. by W.W.
202-203 - Deed of mortgage by Piers Griffith of Penrhyn to William Williams of Cochwillan upon a tenement in Cororion in the holding of Griffith ap Richard ap Ithel, and a meadow called Gweirglodd Gwern Y Tô Uchaf in the several tenures of Arthur Entinsley, Morgan John, and Thomas ap John.
204 - Copy of a bond of obligation in £140 by Piers Griffith of Penrhy, William ap John Gutyn of Caernarvon, yeoman, Morgan ap William ap Ieuan ap Meredith, alias Morgan Gethin, yeoman, and William Williams of Cochwillan to observe faithfully the terms of an indenture of mortgage of equal date.
205 - Incomplete document giving details of Penrhyn tenements in Cororion - tenants and rents
206 - Surrender and quitclaim by Griffith Fletcher of Cororion and Katherine Rowland his wife of any claim or title they might have to lands once belonging to William Griffith ap Llewelyn ap Grono, and released by him in trust (1 March, 1586-7) to Morgan ap Ieuan ap Meredith and William Lewis ap Robert to the use of W.G. for the term of his natural life, and after his death, to the use of his wife Catherine (she was living in 1600).
207-209 - Copy of a bond of obligation in £200 by Piers Griffith of Penrhyn, Ieuan ap William ap Robert of Cororion, and Rees ap David ap William of the same, to Peter ap William, that P.G. will observe faithfully the terms of an indenture in which he was joined as a party by Ieuan Jones [a somewhat modern touch].
210 - Bond of obligation in £500 by Peter ap Wiliam ap Tudur and seven other yeomen (mostly of Cororion), to Piers Griffith of Penrhyn, concerning the feoffment of certain lands in Cororion and Bodvayo, certain leases being especially reserved.
211 - Order issued by the Council of the Marches of Wales for the repairing and amending of Llandegai bridge. Structure in complete decay for two years - divers people drowned, the Queen's service for Ireland hindered, inhabitants "letted" in their necessary journeys, Judges of Assize and their officers endangered, "having no waye to avoyd the same either at a full sea or when there is any land flood in the river". Backward and "disagreeing" Justices of the Peace for co. Caernarvon rebuked.
212 - Entries by Piers Griffith, into lands he claimed as heir male of Sir William Griffith and which were lately the lands of Sir William Herbert of Swansea. No names of towns or townships are given, but there are interesting references - Tyddyn Ierwerth y Cors, Tyddyn Ieuan Gwent, Tyddyn Madoc, a parcel of Tyddyn y Berth ddu (where two old and poor widows dwelt), [?Lleyn]
213 - Record of a Bill of Indictment presented in the Great Sessions of Carnarvonshire against Henry John Thomas, late of Cororion, gent., Symon David of the same, yeoman, Evan ap William Probert of the same, yeoman, Henry ap Ievan ap Ievan of the same, yeoman, Rhydderch Luke, of the same, yeoman, Ellis Jones of the same, gent., and Ralph ap Thomas ap Ralph of the same, labourer, on the charge of illegal and riotous assembly at Cororion and of taking at a place called Gweyn Gwusevyn there, three heaps of turves belonging to David ap Edmwnd, John Morgan, and John ap Edmwnd.
214 - Surrender by Thomas Piers of Dolfechan, co. Mont., to Piers Griffith, of that lease upon Tyddyn Thomas ap Rees in Cororion, which the latter had granted him on 1 November 1601.
215 - Petition of Piers Griffith of Penrhyn to the High Court of Chancery against Edward ap William Roger, William ap Evan, Evan ap William ap Robert, and Griffith ap William ap Robert, for their defect and default in observing an agreement of January 1614-1615, by which several weirs - Gored Cegin, Gored Cefn Gwyn, Gored Ucha, Gored Wleb, and Gored Erw Sych, all in Cororion, were leased to them for one year, on condition of repairing and amending the weirs with wood supplied to them, delivering the moiety of the fish for the use of P.G., and paying £50 (between them).
Expand 4 - Arllechwedd Uchaf :  Bodfeio4 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Bodfeio
Expand 5 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Dwygyfylchi5 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Dwygyfylchi
Expand 6 - Arllechwedd Isaf and Creuddyn 6 - Arllechwedd Isaf and Creuddyn
Expand 7 - Other Caernarvonshire townships (including the town of Caernarfon) 7 - Other Caernarvonshire townships (including the town of Caernarfon)
Expand 8 - Bangor, Maenol Bangor, Tregwyrryddion 8 - Bangor, Maenol Bangor, Tregwyrryddion
Expand 9 - Anglesey 9 - Anglesey
Expand 10 - Various  10 - Various
Expand 2 - The Williams Family 2 - The Williams Family
Expand 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants
Expand 4 - The Jamaica Estates 4 - The Jamaica Estates
Expand 5 - Estate Administration 5 - Estate Administration
Expand 6 - Quay and quarries 6 - Quay and quarries
Expand 7 - Addenda  7 - Addenda
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