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Collapse 1 - The Griffith Documents 1 - The Griffith Documents
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Expand 2 - The troubles of Piers Griffith  2 - The troubles of Piers Griffith
Expand 3 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Cororion 3 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Cororion
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Collapse 7 - Other Caernarvonshire townships (including the town of Caernarfon) 7 - Other Caernarvonshire townships (including the town of Caernarfon)
282 - Grant and confirmation by William de Shaldeford, burgess of Caernarvon, to John, son of Hugh de Haunton and Alice, daughter of the said William, on the occasion of their marriage, of half a burgage and 15 acres of arable land in the town and fields of Caernarvon; which said burgage lies between the burgage of Richard de Wicombe on the one side and the half burgage belonging to Henry de Elreton on the other side, and extends from the royal road running towards the Castle to the burgage of Nicholas de Swynemore. The said 15 acres of land lie between the land of Henry le Taylor and the royal road running towards the bridge of Rug and extens from the land of Hugh de Haunton to the common pasture of the town of Caernarvon; to be held of the chief lord of the fee by the usual services Witnesses: Hugh de Engleton, Constable of Caernarvon Castle and Mayor of the town, Henry de Karwardin, Henry le Taylor, bailiffs of the town. Given at Caernarvon
283 - Grant in perpetuity by John de Haunton, burgess of the town of Caernarvon, to William de Shaldeforde, senior, of the moiety of one burgage and 5 acres of land in Caernarvon; the said moiety lying between the burgages of the said William on the one side, and being 36 feet in length, while the said 5 acres lie near the House of the Lepers beyond the River Saint - in exchange for the moiety of one burgage and two acres of land, the said moiety lying between the burgage of the said William and the burgage of Margerie de Leyburn and containing in length 37 feet, while the said two acres lie between the lands of the said William and the land of Julian le Tailor. Witnesses : John de Hanson, John de Legh, Roger de Acton, Philip de Newton, et al. Sunday after the Feast of the Apostles Philip and James
284 - Indenture between Henry le Tailor, burgess of Caernarvon, and William de Shaldeforde, senior, burgess of the same town; exchange of lands in Caernarvon, viz., 5 acres, belonging to the said Henry of which two acres lie in 'Le Bothom' near Moilsachol (?) between the lands of the said William; and the remaining three acres lie near the lands late of Roger Pikestock, and extend towards the House of the Lepers; - in return for 4 acres belonging to the said William, lying near the "Horsetone"... Witnesses: John de Honsum, John de Hamton (?), Roger de Witone, John de Leye, John de ....., et al. Monday after the Feast of St. Luke (Oct.18), 1340.
285 - Release by William, son of John de Houson, to William de Haunton of six shops and appurtenances in Caernarvon of which five are rented at 34s. p.a., which rent was paid by William de Middleton and John Koor, viz. from the said William, for 2 messuages, 24s.; and from the said Koor for a quarter of a burgage, 10s.
286 - Grant by William de Hunton, Richard de Pikemere, and John Koor of Caernarvon, to Sibyl, late wife of William de Haunton, for the term of her new life, of all those lands and tenements in Caernarvon which the said William de Haunton granted on Friday on the Vigil of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Sept. 14), 1370, to Thomas de Middelton and the aforesaid William de Hunton, Richard de P., and J.K., (with the exception of those lands which Walter de Haunton held of the said William de Haunton on the other side of the River Saint). Further grant to the said Sibyl, for her life, of the reversion of all those lands in the said town which Alice, mother of William de Haunton, held as her dower and otherwise. Witnesses: Robert de Paris, William de Middleton, John de Stanworthyn, and Roger his brother, Robert de Walton, and Robert de Bulkeley. Monday after the Feast of St. John Ante Portem Latinam, (May 6), 1371.
287 - Grant and confirmation by John Pykmere, burgess of the town of Caernarvon, to Thomas Walton and Thomas Attewall, burgesses of Conway, of his "great place" with a barn and gardens, lying between the aforesaid barn and a certain empty "place" lately called The Malthouse; one burgage lately in the tenure of Richard de Newton and lying near the aforesaid "place" on the south side; and two tenements lying on the other side of the River Saint,of which one is called Hafod Laurance, and the other Hen hafod; two fields, of which one is called the Summer Pasture, and the other Hynkele's Field; one meadow called the Broadmeadow; all of which property lies in the town of Caernarvon; in perpetuity of the chief lord of the fee. Witnesses: John Stanley, Constablle of Caernarvon Castle, and Mayor of the town; Richard Legh and Thomas Browne, bailiffs of the said town; Richard Brodehede, Roger Symonds, and others. Given at Caernarvon, 7 March, 1438-9.
288 - Grant by Thomas Walton and Thomas Attewall, burgesses of Conway, to John Pykmere, burgess of Caernarvon, and Joan his wife, of all their lands and tenements which they had of the gift and feoffment of the said J.P. in the town of Caernarvon. Witnesses: John Stanley, Constable of the Castle of Caernarvon and Mayor of the town; Richard Leigh and Thomas Browne, bailiffs of the said town; Richard Brodehead; John Armer; Roger Symond, Nicholas Browne, et al.
289 - Grant by John Sutton and Cecilia his wife to William Gruffith and Henry Norreys, esq., of all his lands and tenements in the town of Carnarvon. Witnesses: John Stanley, esq., Constable of Caernarvon Castle and Mayor of the town; John Cokke and William Mershe, bailiffs, Richard Arlondes, Richard Legh, et al.
290 - Part of a series of ordinance decreed at the Great Turn of the county of Caernarvon, respecting the sale of merchandise, stallage of horses and the control of pigs and other animals in the town of Caernarvon.
291 - Grant in perpetuity by Mallt verch David ap Howel Vychan, free tenant of the township of Llanfair in the commote of Isgwyrfai, to Ievan ap Rees ap Ievan Lloyd, free tenant of the township of Bodfaio in the commote of Arllechwedd Uchaf, of all her lands and tenements in the said township of Llanfair. Witnesses: William ap Iorwerth Vychan, Howel ap Iorwerth Vychan, Howel ap Dicws ap Ievan ap Grono, Ievan ap Grono ap Ievan, David ap Ievan ap Gruffith. Saturday after the Feast of Philip and James (May 1), 1455.
292 - Grant and confirmation by Henry Hokys (Hookes) of Conway, to John Maistson of Nantwich (Wicus Malbanus) of three messuages, one toft, 32 acres of land, and 4 acres of wood in the town of Caernarvon and the franchises thereof, which messuages and lands he lately had of the gift and feoffment of Thomas Sorsby, son and heir of Hugh de Sorsby and Agnes his wife; in perpetuity of the chief lord of the fee. Witnesses: Richard Arlond, Thomas Starky, John Spicer, at al. Given at Caernarvon, Monday after Michaelmas (Sept. 29), 1457.
293 - Release and quit claim by Thomas de Holte, son and heir of Tibet del Holte, to William Gruffith, esq., of all his right and title to all his lands and tenements in the county of Caernarvon, both within and without the liberties of the town of Caernarvon. Witnesses: John Stanley, esq., Constable of Caernarvon Castle and Mayor of the town; William Bold, Alderman of the said town; Thomas Colinson and Thomas Brown, bailiffs of the said town; William del Mersh, Nicholas Parr, and Hugh Bertelet, et al. Friday after the Feast of the Purification of the B.V.M. (Feb.2), 1457-8
294 - Grant in perpetuity by Howel ap Ednyfed ap Ievan to William Griffith, senior, esq., of all his messuages and lands in the township of Nevin or in the hamlet of the said township, which descended to him after the death of Myfanwy verch Iorwerth Llwyd his mother. Grants power of attorney to Hugh Bowman and John ap Sir Lewis to deliver seisin of the said property to the said Griffith. Witnesses: Thomas Scaresbrek, John Glover, Bellyn ap Jenkyn, Robert Bowman, and David Lloyd. Given at Nevin, Monday after the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel (Sept.29), 1482.
295 - Grant in perpetuity by Howel ap David ap Ririd, free tenant of the township or hamlet of Bryncelyn in the commote of Cafflogion, to Master Richard Bulkeley and Thomas Ireland, clerk, of all his lands and tenements in Bryncelyn. Witnesses: Madoc ap Llewelyn ap Morgan, John Glover, Robert Leyland, Bellyn ap Jenkyn, and John Lewis.
296 - Grant in perpetuity by Gruffydd ap David ap Howel ap Ednyfed, free tenant of the township of Elernion in the commote of Uwchgwyrfai, to Master Richard Coland, clericuse, Dean of Bangor, of all his lands and tenements in the said township. Witnesses: David Morgan, "decretor[um] doctor"; Sir David Trevor, clerk; Sion ap Ithel, Ievan ap Madoc ap Iorwerth, and William ap Ievan ap Tudur.
297 - Lease by John, Abbot of Bardsey, to David ap Ievan ap Iolyn, free tennant of the said abbot, of one tenement called The Dra Doni, in the township of Uwchheli and the hamlet of Pwlffdenyt. Term : 101 years Rent : 3 talents of corn p.a.
298 - Indenture between Howel ap Llewelyn ap Ievan ap Hwlcyn and Sir William Griffith, Kt., son and heir of Sir William Griffith, senior, Kt., for an exchange of lands in Caernarvonshire: messuages and lands called Hafod Tudur in the township of Treflan, commote of Isgwyfrai surrendered by Howel ap Llewelyn ap Ievan ap Hwlcyn in lieu of lands and messuages called Tyddyn Tal y Sarn in the township of Dinlle, commote Uwchgwyrfai, given by Sir William Griffith. Witnesses: William Griffith [of] "Cornwy", jenkin ap Gruffith ap David, William ap Iorwerth ap Howel, Owen ap Rhys Vychan and John Ffoxwist. Wednesday before the Feast of the Assumption of the B.V.M (Aug.15), 1525.
299 - Solemn record of an entry made by Sir Rees Griffith of Penrhyn upon the close or pasture of Cefn Cormor at Llanfairisgaer "as in the right of all the manors and messuages landes and Tenements which at any tyme heretofore were the landes of Sir William Griffith" [third Chamberlain, R.G.'s father], and for the barring and disannulling of a recovery upon the premises suffered and acknowledged by Sir Nicholas Bagnall [of Plas Newydd]and his wife Ellen.
300 - Exemplification of a Recovery in the Great Sessions of Caernarvonshire, 20 July 1607, by Sir William Glynn against Hugh Rowland, gent., of 46 messuages and 1,500 acres of land in Meyllteyrn, Tremorfa, Treborydd, Uwch heli, Peniarth Isa, and Trefaes.
301-304 - Four memoranda of "entries" made by Piers Griffith of Penrhyn in right of his title as heir male of the body of Sir William Griffith [third Chamberlain] in the town of Caernarvon, within the walls and without. Included were Cae Darbi and Cae'r Ysgubor Fawr (within) and Cae Dol Bleddyn (without, township of Rug).
305 - Marriage settlement of Hugh ap William Vaughan of Bodrydd and Margaret vch David, to be perfected by a fine and recovery at the Caernarvoshire Great Sessions, upon Ty yng nglan y Gors, for the use and behoof of Hugh ap W. and his heirs; parties to the fine were William Humphrey of Pant Du near Llanllyfni and Richard Rowland of Llanwnda.
306 - Release by Humphrey John ap Humphrey of Aberdaron to John Parry of Caernarvon of Cae yn y Pant, Penrhyn Bach, Llain Wen, Y Tir Pengue ["pengyl"], Tir y Fron, Y Ddol Wen, Dryll y Gwenith ["gwineth"], the two quillets called Lleinie'r Ty yn y Penrhyn, and certain other quillets encompassed by the lands of John Bodwrda of Bodwrdda; exact bounds specified, all in the Aberdaron district, townships of Ultradaron and Bodvyth. Consideration : £52.10.0. Eight witnesses, the three first being "clerks", i.e., clerics.
Expand 8 - Bangor, Maenol Bangor, Tregwyrryddion 8 - Bangor, Maenol Bangor, Tregwyrryddion
Expand 9 - Anglesey 9 - Anglesey
Expand 10 - Various  10 - Various
Expand 2 - The Williams Family 2 - The Williams Family
Expand 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants
Expand 4 - The Jamaica Estates 4 - The Jamaica Estates
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